Book 4, Lesson 1


Leaders of Leaders: – In the Beginning


After 3 years of practicing  my writing and experiencing my thinking in 3 different languages (English-Spanish-Chinese), I feel ready to build a Web-Presence that can add value. This is my fourth attempt at writing and applying my thinking.

My first task is to thank everyone who supported “-ME+”....

“-Omni-Thank you+”

Vital Now..../...Down to work ..../.... it’s that fast.

Gratitude Expressed,Time to Move On

Experience of Experiences

Experience: an Event or Happening in a Subject Matter involving Self in or Exposure to the subject matter.

Simplify: Action taken over TIME ..../...Self-gains an Experience

Experience of an Experience is Self being Aware and Present of the Experience

I don’t consider myself to that smart or even someone who understands concepts very well. I do however consider myself to be very experienced. My experience as it happens is IN Entrepreneurship in its purest form.

I don’t really think that Entrepreneurship is a great claim to fame and most times irritates me. I would rather be someone with a spiritual gift and commitment to the spirit and the souls for the well-being of HU-Beings. Spirituality is not my gift.

I do believe that each HU-Being has a gift and must always be their best with The Gift.

The thing that have perplexed me for my entire life:

1.       Why do I have this life Pattern?

2.       Why do I feel inadequate about what I’ve done? And;

3.        What does it matter that I’ve done what I’ve done? 


I have always found it easy to make money….meaning something in my pocket to exchange for something else.

When I was young, I either sold newspapers, cut grass, shovelled snow or even stole small amounts of money ..../....  anyway, I think making money is easy.


I have always liked Risk and Risk-Taking. It is when I feel the most alive. Making money in a job has always been boring and with very little adventure. Creating money from nothing (because it is already there) has always been my passion.

In my Mind, an Entrepreneur, in the purest form, is a Risk taker.


Entrepreneur Origin: 1875–80; < F: lit., one who undertakes (some task) usually with considerable initiative and risk.

Key: a Risk taker

The Great Entrepreneur creates something from nothing or nurtures a seed of an idea that is the risk. Growing the seed into a business that has viability, sustainability, Intergenerational Repeatability.

I think the terms “Entrepreneur” and “Business Owner/Manager” are interchanged in the marketplace/economy to mean the same thing and I think this is very confusing, if not deceptive in the minds of individuals.

In my Mind, a Business Owner, in the purest form, is a Risk Adverse.



Business: a person, partnership, engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern.

Key: Profit Seeking

Business Owners are risk adverse.

To me, “Entrepreneur” and “Business Owner/Manager” are not the same thing and over TIME and Self-Experience, as WE design, I will make greater distinctions between “Entrepreneur” and “Business Owner/Manager”.

“Entrepreneur” and “Business Owner/Manager” very different in Spirit and Innate Gifts.

I think there is another misconception in the Global Money Exchanging Marketplace: That is the Public-Corporations.

In my Mind, a Public-Corporation, in their purest form, are Governments.

Public-Corporation: an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

Key: In other words, the risk is deferred to others ….the risk for the corporation is non- existent.

In today’s world, Public-Corporations are laws onto themselves. Public-Corporations, like governments, are very different from a normal business. Public-Corporations are hierarchical and are managed by governance. Businesses have rules and regulations that evolve. Corporations determine decisions by using governing groups and pay scales that allow.   


Most people, when put to the sword, know how to make money. Simply get a job and get paid what-ever anyone will pay you to do the job.

In my mind, this is slavery…all be it with a few hard-fought-for rights and for some people, that is okay….. Not for ME.


The talent I have is a gift for creating money and unfortunately it has a few processes that have been found wanting in exchange systems/processes over the last 2 decades. Things like:

1.       Risk-Taking

2.       Thinking-Mitigation

3.       Hard-work

4.      Discipline-Actions

5.       Focused Attention

First lesson: Creating Money is a Complex Process


     The more Complex the Organism, the more Energy it requires to sustain itself against Equilibrium. Energy is critical, but it doesn’t stand alone. The great Economic Revolutions in history occur when new Energy regimes Converge with new Communications Revolutions. Rifkin, Jeremy (2009-12-14). The Empathic Civilization   

Pattern Built “-IN+” Confluence “-Energy/Communication+”

          21th Century Exchange Community



“-Systems/Processes=1+” requires both Meta-physical and Physical disciplines over many timed cycles to evolve into the Invisible New-Simple EMEL.

“-Complexities+” always Test the resolve of the “-Systems/Processes=1+”

Time to Shine the light on the above Design Thought

I’m biased towards Capitalism and more importantly, Business as My vehicle of Exchange-Distribution. The Hexagon drawing above is “-M/Y+” family’s Developed Design that Drives our Business sp bullet point “-LIFE+”.

sp bullet point Thought 1 of Design: “-LIFE+” is always at Risk, No exceptions

sp bullet point Thought 2: Risk of “-LIFE+” must always move to Mitigation to survive

sp bullet point Thought 3: “-LIFE+” is not passive. “-LIFE+” Is Actively Organic  

sp bullet point Thought 4: “-M+Y LIFE+” is an Agreement Between Entities of


The Time has come for The Empathic Capitalist = “-Leaders of Leaders+”


Until next week, JDS OUT  sd