Book 2, Lesson 48


Decision Making


Whether we like it or not, our lives will leave a mark on the universe. Each person's birth makes ripples that expand in the social environment: parents, siblings, relatives, and friends are affected by it, and as we grow up our actions leave a myriad of consequences, some intended, most not. Our consumer decisions make a tiny difference in the economy; political decisions affect the future of the community, and each kind or mean act modifies slightly the total quality of human well-being. From Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life


Leave an imprint

Recognize that your life isn’t infinite and that you should use your limited time here to do something that matters. From Daniel Pink


The first step in improving the quality of life is to pay close attention to what we do every day, and to notice how we feel in different activities, places, times of day, and with different companions.

There is no law that says we have to experience life in the same way. What is vital is to find out what works out best in your case.

The excellence of daily life finally depends not on what we do, but on how we do it. Nevertheless, before looking at how one can control the quality of experience directly by transforming information in consciousness, it is important to reflect on the effects that the daily environment-the places, people, activities, and times of day-has on us.

Everyday life unfolds in various locations-the home, the car, the office, streets, and restaurants. In addition to activities and companionships, locations also have an effect on the quality of experience.

Creative people are especially good at ordering their lives so that what they do, when, and with whom will enable them to do their best work.

So the first step in improving the quality of life consists in engineering daily activities so that one gets the most rewarding experiences from them. This sounds simple, but the inertia of habit and social pressure are so strong that many people have no idea which components of their lives they actually enjoy, and which contribute to stress and depression.

The quality of life depends on what we do in the seventy or so years we are allotted, and on what passes in consciousness during that time. Different activities typically affect the quality of experience in rather predictable ways. If all through life we only do depressing things, it is unlikely that we will end up having lived a very happy life. Usually each activity has both positive and negative qualities.

The first step in answering life’s questions involves getting a good grasp of the forces that shape what we can experience. Whether we like it or not, each of us is constrained by limits on what

                               “We Do, Feel, and Think

To ignore these limits leads to denial and eventually to Failure. To achieve Excellence, we must first understand the Reality of the Everyday, with all its Demands and Potential Frustrations. From  Finding Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.



1.     GOAL: is a vital action on a daily basis that:

a.     Has a Specific result: a moment of focused movement on a declared actioned result

b.    Is Measurable: movements that lead to the managed outcome of any goal

Goals are Happening each day, vitally creating results.

Goal Time-Frame: 1-90 days


2.     OUTCOME: end result of a goal, a consequence of action, reaction or resultant that leads to created futures of Omni-arrangement.

An outcome is a Happening overtime aggregating to a result.

Outcome Time-Frame: 90-days to 1 year


3.     ARRANGEMENT: A materialization of something “Left-Over ..../The Wealth” that creates prosperous futures by choices (both Physical/Meta-Physical).

An Arrangement is Created by a series of Goals and Outcomes that are managed in the past.

sp bullet point  Happenings over long periods of TIME, aggregating  and re-aggregating to managed futures.

Arrangement Time-frame: 5-10 years+  


Intergenerational Wealth Abundant Prosperity:

1.     Human Spirit

2.     Human Wisdom

3.     Human Relationship

4.     Money System/Process


sp bullet point                     ARRANGEMENTS BY HUMAN CHOICES

1. Vital Goals 2.Disciplined Outcomes 3. Managed Arrangement

In giving meaning to life, it will be the ability to teach our managers how to think in their daily Vital actions (Vitalistics) and their relationships to long term futures (Arrangement). Every organisation must have rules to make decisions that affect the long term well-being of that organisation.


The Keys To Decision Making are:      


ACCOUNTABILITY: Answerable as leader in a given circumstance. The ability to manage and direct future arrangements

RESPONSIBILITY: a vital obligation of being a guardian over future outcomes

ENFORCEABILITY: to compel obedience to a law, regulation, or command

AGREEMENT: written or verbal….The state of having come to the same opinion or having made the same decision as somebody else, or an expression of this state

FEEDBACK: the return of part of the output of a communication, system, or circuit to the input in a way that affects its performance

LOOP: something that has a closed or nearly closed circular or oval shape and is often used to carry communication of something



jd struggledork

JDS out!_!