and Life Repeats as a act of G.O.D. 400-480,000.00-401
400-480,000-401 seems to be a Repeating Pattern of MY Life
MY? M=ME+Y=YOU, together “WE” Create MY LIFE
It is very clear to me these days that without YOU, I have no life. I’m always in relationship with something else. Most days with millions of something else’s. Life is complex.
When I reduce Omi-somethings to 2, I become a simple reality ….without YOU, there is no ME to create Meaning “IN” MY Life
It is always MY relationship of ME+YOU that gives Meaning and Purpose to Omni-HU-Being life.
Life is a Discovery of Relationships “-Between-What is Omni-Around+”
99.9% of Around is Invisible
.001 is made Visible by Discovery
Discovery is created by Experience of MY Life
MY Life is a Circumstance I was born into. Circumstance is a Scenario made up of Pervasive Past Events and Energy Happenings before ME. Ergo: Everything I need to know is already there.
Opportunity is Omni-Around
Opportunities were there before ME. I become Aware of Opportunity by MY Experiences.
Pervasive Created Futures are particles of Events and Happenings of the Vital Now Present.
Events are Predictive Outcomes/Goals that must be @:
· Cause to make something Happen, Physical-Metaphysical, Feel-Thought-Act that must have a
· Conversion element of thoughts and Action over short time-frames creating
· A Physical/Metaphysical Effect of incremental changes leading to
· An Arranged Created Future over long time-frames that has Evolved into something else. A new form of Antil Entopic EMEL, Never returning to the past form.
Events-Happenings are many……. Created Futures are Scenarios of Changes
Scenario Aggregations and Then Re-aggregations
Applied Action-Reactions-Resultants Measured and Calibrated with TIME
Always Start with A Big Thought/Followed by Incremental Actions/Measured+Calibrated over Time
Dividing into New Evolved Future
Thought-Action-Calibrate-Future = 4 star thought
I think about change that happens every day and very often think, “That is the end of one thing, enter another”. That is not my experience…. for Change to Evolve to something else, it’s a process over longer periods of time. My experience is that it takes at least 2.5 times the Energy to change from one something to another something and it takes focused Attention over a long time-frame to create an Evolved Arrange Future.
Change does not mean Evolved
Evolution to me is a new pattern of Space-Energy-Feel-Thought Behaviours
Environment is Greater than the Will of Any HU-Being
Context is the Environment and the Space that must be held to Create Evolved Futures
Cause-Conversion-Effect-Arrangement = 4 Star Thought
Stars are non-simultaneous Energy Events and Happenings
Cost is a principle of Universe-Price is an Event in Time
Space-Energy-Matter-Exchange = 4 Stars of Cost
Margin-Value-Profit-Repeat = 4 stars of Price
HU-Beings Can Change Their Tone-Evolve and Becoming Something Else
400 – 480,000 – 401
is the story of my life so far. The numbers are the difference Between the amateur and the professional ME and MY Life.
In golf, I have potential and Capacity to be Tiger Woods…. capability is always the question. Most days I’m a 400. In hundreds of games of golf, I may have had 1 (480,000) Tiger Woods shot. The next shot after Illusion has been realised I return to 401, having had 1 shot that dreams are made of. Now back to what MY reality is …… of course I’m not Tiger Woods. So I keep playing the game looking for the 1000 times better ME.
In business, which is my daily passion, I practise by having daily experiences of relationships Between
I have daily-weekly-monthly-yearly-decades of experiences of building systems/processes=1 and I find this to be true: Changes are fleeting moments of the coming to together and moving apart of Actions-Reaction-Resultants….. Leading to a changed moment in TIME, not an Evolved pattern maintained over Time.
I have for years stayed Focused and paid Great Attention to HU-Being’s Processes in order to develop a System that will support Processes of Evolved beings, knowing the Systems/Processes=1.
A pattern is engrained and already there, part of the fabric of life. My thinking is that Created Futures of choice are about new patterns. Changes in most cases are just threads in a fabric. Scenarios are about the numbers of threads it will take to Create a New, Evolved Fabric of MY LIFE.
I have watched how systems are designed to change HU-Being’s Processes without an understanding of what is already there. What is already there is the pattern of Behaviour and it will take greater ENERGY and TIME to Evolve than to maintain the current pattern. A fabric of life can make thread changes without ever evolving. Take war as an example. How many more HU-beings will die before the Energy force called HU-Beings will Evolve into something else? War is part of the Evolution…. it is not the evolved Being.
I have been in business for over 30 years. Now I have an experience I want to evolve into a wealth Process.
That is the thought of Boom and Bust.
“Win Big/Lose Big”
This is the language of a sporting event and does not belong in the realm of business. Even sporting events are now business events and Boom or Bust in the business event is not tolerated. Losing the game or sport brings HU-Beings back and talking. On the other hand, a business losing money is a very different matter.
I don’t want to Boom or Bust…. I prefer viable-sustainable-added value futures.
I have for years started in business @ 400 and worked very hard with Focused Attention to get to 480,000, or over a thousand times better than when I started. Embarrassing for ME are the moments of returning back to 401 and here is even worse news….. going back to 401 (in my case 412) is light years faster than getting to 480,000.
For ME, 412 because I have been through the processes at least 12 times…… Yes, John struggles with Boom and Bust and each Time I believe I learned the lesson, only to find I have not.
Let me give you an easy example.
I was involved with creating a Business company having Education as a product. The product “Outsource Education Company” broke down into segments of:
· Training-Coaching-Facilitating/Moderating/Decision making as core product thoughts
In the design of anything, it important to have a clear thought of what the future would look like.
Business is really a very simple process.
Product-Customer-Exchange-Repeat as the Four Stars of Thought of Business
1. Product Thoughts is always First: What is it I’m exchanging or selling for Money?
2. Customer Thoughts: Who is going pay?
3. Exchange Thoughts: How and when will the customer Pay?
4. Repeat thoughts: Did I add value in the process?
A business, to be viable and then be sustainable over time, must have these 4 non-simultaneous stars. In other words, there is always a between-ness of the 4 thoughts. Between-ness is always a TIME calibration in business and is always measuring:
Margin-Value-Profit-Repeat EMELs as 4 stars Of Thought
1. Margin is the money left over from all costs
2. Value is a consideration made by the customer
3. Profit is money left over after costs and expenses
4. Repeat EMELs is really the way to measure true Profit over Time.
When I was convinced there was a product in an “OUTSOURCED EDUCATION COMPANY”, I set about testing the thought by taking action in the real market place. I don’t believe in being mediocre. I convinced one of, if not the best Adult educator I knew.
This person already had a business that was okay and worked at the level of a small 1 person business. I believed that with systems/processes=1 between us we could create a global business model.
I watched for 6 months by attending his programs to see how I could develop systems/process=1 that would turn this business into a wealth business. A business that would repeat itself over generations, in effect inter-generational without ME or the Educating Partner.
Enter 400… this represents what was already there. I had to find processes that would take the business to 480,000 and avoid the 401.
You may ask why 400-480,000-401? These are real numbers and results that were achieved over a period of time. They are confronting to me and at another level, very very painful.
When I started by looking at the existing Education program being conducted, after a week in training, the participants would be selling on average $400.00 in products in total.
My questions were …
1. Could a different process produce a different outcome in products sold and profit made? More importantly,
2. Could the process be developed into a system/process=1 and go intergenerational and creating an EMEL of repeated wealth?
I would say the process was like magic. The systems/processes=1 worked when there was Applied Focus.
“$400.00-soon went to $1600” “$1600.00 soon went to $30,000” “30,000.00 soon went to $300,000.00” $300,000.00 went to $480,000.00” $480,000.00 went back to $401 faster. What happened?
This is not some guy writing thoughts. This is a very real, painful process tested over time. For some reason, there is flaw in genius. I have seen my flaw 12 times at least. WE HU-Beings are born of miracles that are powerful beyond our wildest dreams. It seems to be a design thread flaw…. or is it design of G.O.D.?
I will continue the story next week and give more of my observations and experiences