90 Degrees Vital Focus………
“-A Choice to Create Futures+”
Finite Space has an “-IN Boundary Quantum-Micro Concave OUT Boundary Macro Convex+”
Scenario Universe Concave/Convex always a duality =1
Tune-Ability is Between-ness and Around-ness
Scenario Universe Is made from Principles that are Invisible
· You cannot get out of Universe……….. Universe is not a System
· Universe is not a shape……………………………Universe is a Scenario
· You are always in Universe………. You can only get out of Systems.
· Universe is Finite but non-simultaneously conceptual scenario.
· Events are changes of interrelationships. From R. Buckminster Fuller
A pebble dropped into water precessionally produces waves that move both outwardly from the circle's centre i.e., circumferentially of the Earth sphere and reprecessionally outwardly and inwardly from the centre of the Earth, radially in respect to the Earth sphere. Altogether, this Inter-generatively demonstrates ( RBF)……
The twoness of local Precessional system effects at 90 degrees.(RBF)
Energies of bodies in motion on other bodies in motion are observed to be as radially flat yet move @ 90 degrees.
As you can see, the droplet is in motion hitting the flat plain of water and the ripples are radial and @ 90 degrees.
The four-ness from the last lesson is the shorelines that hold the water…it is between all the
1. Droplet
2. Lake of water
3. Shoreline
All 3 are Omni part of Universe, creating a four-ness. One part would not exist without the other. The Minimum system is 4-ness: IN, OUT, BETWEEN, AROUND.
Understanding the directions Inside Universe allows HU-Beings to start to create futures.
“IN” Omni-Exchange Syntrophic with “OUT” Omni-Empathic-Spirit-Anti-Entropic
To ME, business is a Science today. It really is very simple to create and then run a business.
90 degrees is Energy in Motion!-!
How is your Energy directed?
How is your Business Energy Focused?
What are the ripples Created?
Are you moving Towards or Away from your Best Future?
What Future do you want to Create?
The great design of a HU-Being is:
1. Brain (Collection Storage Revival Organic Device)
2. Mind (Relationship and inter-relationships Aggregator Organic Device)
3. Body (For movement Around our world)
4. Spirit (Energy, the power to develop capabilities in our God capacities)
HU-Beings are not machines. HU-Being are Organic devices. All machines have been designed at some level from the HU-Being design.
Machines are designed from the HU-Being design, not the other way around.
Business and Money are HU-Being’s understanding of Exchanging Universe.
That is why it is so important to Understand Universe when designing futures of your life and the life of a business you may want to create.
These are some thoughts I have on business creation.
- Energy
- Space
- Time
- Point in Time
- Across Time
- Between Time
- Physical
- Meta-physical
- Communication
Driver is Business Brand Space
- Energy
- Space
- Time
Driver is Matter in Business Money
Calibrations of Sales Cycle
TIME: the continuous passage of existence in which sale cycles occur. Points in time set the first boundary of measuring the start and completes the sales cycle boundary by knowing the Point in time when the sales cycle ends
- When will sales cycle start and when does sale cycle end?
TIMING: the ability to select the precise moment for doing something for optimum effect. Timing is the sales builder and wealth creator
- After starting what is the timing of
Follow-through on feedback provided to complete the sales cycle?
SEQUENCE: A following of one event after another; succession. An order of succession; an arrangement. The systems and processes to create a “MORE WITH LESS RESULT”
- Create Sales Cycle
- Set Targets by understanding
The 3 catalysts of target thinking KPI:
1. DEMOGRAPHICS: are the quantifiable statistics of a given population. Demographics are also used to identify the study of quantifiable subsets within a given population which characterize that population at a specific point in time.
i. Age (child, adolescence, teenager, adult, middle age, elderly)
ii. Gender ( male female)
iii. Ethnicity, common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience.
iv. Education levels
v. Disabilities,
vi. Mobility,
vii. Home ownership,
viii. Work status,
ix. Geographic location
PHYSIOGRAPHIC: The environment or today we call it the ecosystem.
- Climate
- Structures Man made and Planet origin
- Seasons or seasonal
- Transport systems
- Health systems
- Money systems
PSYCHOGRAPHICS: the study and grouping of people according to their attitudes, values ,lifestyles and opinions
- Needs
- Wants
- Desires
- Enough
Questions to Answer to find the target customer:
ü Who do I want as a customer?
ü Have we created the search boundaries for my prospects?
ü Where will I focus my marketing costs?
ü What does my ultimate customer look like?
ü When do we start the sales cycle?
ü How we measure results on the sales cycle?
ü Qualifying “IN”
ü Disqualifying “OUT”
- Start Prospecting
- Organisations:
ü Government departments
ü Corporations
ü Education departments
ü Small to medium businesses
ü Self-employed
- Populations:
ü Male
ü Female
ü Ethnicity
- Social Group
ü Sporting bodies
ü Business Associations (Rotary, Lions Clubs)
ü Church Group
- Cultures
ü Art
ü Music
ü Literature
ü Education group
ü Ethnic (Asian, African, European, American)
Make Contact: a state or relationship in which communication happens
- In person, cold call or warm call
- By phone, cold call or warm call
- A letter drop
· Who you are and Why are you making the contact:
ü Your name
ü Company name
ü Product or Service
· Information that we need to gather:
ü Who is the best person to speak to about your product or service?
ü Have they used your type of service before?
ü If so, who do they use?
ü Do we need to be an approved supplier?
ü How do we become a supplier?
ü Do you have a card that I can have?
ü Can I send you an e-mail sending our rate sheet?
ü Will you give me a go?
ü Can I make you an offer to buy now?
- Present Offer
- Ask For The Sale Now
- If No Sale, Expect Feedback For Ways To Make The Sale
- Monitor Feedback
- Follow-Up On Feedback
- Follow Through On All Feedback
- Push on sale or no sale until cycle is complete
LAG: period of time between one sales cycle activity related to another sales cycle activity. The greatest power in a business could be in understanding and managing “LAG” in sales cycles or any cycle of activity.
The Importance of Lag: “Ignoring lag, its requirements, and its consequences is perhaps the greatest organizational impediment facing any enterprise. More than any other ‘dynamic’ that the individuals or team must work through to survive in rapid- change times, lag is a ‘Make or Break’ phenomenon.” From Dudley Lynch, Strategies of the Dolphin
“The Quality expert States that 80% of any enterprise’s problems is the system.” Demming points out that most systems are not designed to accommodate the effects of Lag. From Edwards Demming
Dudley Lynch, Strategies of the Dolphin
REPEAT: Experience more than once. Systems and processes are the wealth of any business.
· Who are my customers? Targeted Market
· What is my Product or Service? Generic Offering
· What is the proximity of my target? Range of campaign demographics
· How will I message the sales campaign to the market place? Niche
ü Branding
ü Marketing
ü Selling
· What is being offered on any given sales campaign? Specific offering
· What Resources are available for the sales campaign? Capability
- Driver Branding
DEMOGRAPHICS: are the quantifiable statistics of given population. Demographics are also used to identify the study of quantifiable subsets within a given population which characterize that population at a specific point in time.
PHYSIOGRAPHIC: The environment or today we call it the ecosystem.
PHYSCHOGRAPHICS: the study and grouping of people according to their attitudes, values, lifestyles and opinions
DRIVER: STAKEHOLDERS: The energy Force that powers the agreed arrangement of any event physical or Meta-physical
- Mission (Meta-Physical future)
- Vision (Meta-Physical future)
- Arrangement (Physical future)
Driven By Designed Movement (Vital Action PHYSICAL Now!)
Cope: to struggle or deal, especially on fairly even terms or with some degree of success (Band-Aid REFLECTION)
Change: Create a future of choice (Root Cause and agreed change REFRACTION)
Struggle: to contend with an adversary or opposing force
DORK: is a slang word for a stupid or inept person
Humans are designed to be Abundant
1. VIABILITY: is the ability of an event (a living organism, an artificial system, an idea) to maintain itself or realize full potentialities of any given event as it being the whole (The 1).
2. SUSTAINABILITY: systems/process of any event to endure and remain diverse and productive for long periods of “TIME”. Healthy and continuing Growing.
- Mission (Meta-Physical future)
- Vision (Meta-Physical future)
- Arrangement (Physical future)
Driven By Designed Movement (Vital Action PHYSICAL Now!)
ACCOUNTABILITY: Answerable as leader in a given circumstance. The ability to manage and direct future arrangements
RESPONSIBILITY: a vital obligation of being a guardian over future outcomes
Goal: is a vital action on a daily basis that is:
- Specific result: a moment of focused movement on a declared actioned result
- Measurable: movements that leads to managed outcome of any goal
Happening each day vitally creating results Goal: Time-Frame 1-90 days
- OUTCOMES: end result of a goal, a consequence of action, reaction, resultant that leads to created futures of Omni-arrangement
Happening overtime aggregating to a result Outcomes: Time-Frame 90-days to 1 year
- ARRANGEMENT: A materialization of something “Left-Over” “The Wealth” that creates prosperous futures by choices. (Physical/Meta-Physical) Created by a series of Goals and Outcomes managed in the past.
Happenings over long periods of TIME aggregating –re-aggregating managed futures
Arrangement Time-frame 5-10 years+, Intergenerational Wealth Abundant Prosperity
- Human Spirit
- Human Wisdom
- Human Relationship
- Money System/Process
1. Vital Goals 2.Disciplined Outcomes 3.Managed Arrangement
Driven by the Power to Ask Questions
Who: will be part of “ME/YOU=1” future. Personal, Work, Community, Country
What: nature of somebody or something What do I intend to happen?
Targets, Core Values, Purpose, Actions
Where: used to indicate the place in which something is located or happens. Space created.
Where will the meeting take Place?
Home, Work, Community, City, Country
When: at some point during an activity, event, or circumstance
When is the baby due?
Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Schedules
Why: for what cause, reason, or purpose
Why did she want to lose 50 pounds?
Words, Numbers, Symbols, and Focus