Book 2, Lesson 50


In conclusion, what does it all mean?


In my study the world has changed……full stop!-!

Since 1989, I have studied a philosophy of Synergy or Synergetics, the Geometry of thought. Not a day goes by that I don’t test the thinking of R.Buckminster Fuller. The real thinking of Fuller is very simple…….

“Think for Yourself”

In this matter, Fuller’s and my Mother’s Voice were as 1.

Who would have thought that the most fundamental of a HUBEING’s basic capabilities is to think for them-self and that HUBEINGS (as I see it, most) do not think for themselves. In all my Fuller studies, the single point that stands out is that Fuller believed that we must teach HUBEINGS how to think.

That thinking has a geometry. Fuller’s first thought that I understood was……. HUBEINGS are verbs not nouns. In other words, it is only in taking action that a HUBEING learns. We are not computers yet we can store information and recall the information at high speed and over many HUBEING cycles, allowing for HUBEING Great Capacity.

Conclusion Number 1: HUBEINGS have Infinite Capacity and spend time on planet earth increasing Capabilities over their HUBEING life on Earth.

sp bullet point        Capacity: the potentiality for holding, storing, or accommodating any circumstance, event or happening. (Cause-Convert-Effect-Arrange)

            sp bullet pointCapability: the measured power or ability to do-something/move/direct/create in any circumstance, event or happening.

All HUBEINGS have Infinite Capacity and spend our lives being and doing (verbs) to increase our capabilities.

Conclusion Number 2: Time is the deepest measurement of all HUBEING Measurement Tools.

TIME does not flow

Time allows HUBEINGS to measure feedback cycles

Time allows for rethinking


Time allows for recalibration of any circumstance, event, or happening. 

To best understand Business and Time, the most important word is LAG, the TIMEBETWEEN cycles. Like it or not, Universe and Business have gestation (conception to birth) periods that are unaccejd struggledorkleratable. In other words, Universe, Business and Life are a process (verb).

Conclusion Number 3: HUBEINGS are important in the Universe-Design.

HUBEINGS are a Genius Design of UNIVERSE having an ability to Collect, Store, Measure, TUNEIN, TUNEOUT, Discover,Create, and have Choices Between.

HUBEINGS have been UNIVERSE information collectors and in gestation for millions of years.

HUBEINGS are now ready and capable of creating viable and sustainable futures for the Eathian Biosphere and all the beings who inhabit the Biosphere.

HUBEINGS have a design that collects information throught Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose, Skin, Brain storage, and a HUBEING extended mind that creates an AWARENESS and PRESENCE unique to the HUBEING.

I believe as Fuller stated….. HUBEINGS are in the final Universe Exam of making it or not. HUBEINGS have enough collected information to Create, Store, and Circulate Universe Energy to Exchange for the benefit of Omni-Earthian Biosphere. The choice is up to each Individual HUBEING.

Conclusion Number 4: HUBEINGS are now having to work in the realm of the HUBEING Mind.  

HUBEINGS have a brain storage capability and a UNIVERSE Mind Capacity.

The HUBEING Biosphere is so polluted by HUBEINGS and brain thinking, the GOD interface of UNIVERSE Mind must become the dominant processor.

Metaphysical before physical.

Enter Fullers Thinking of Ephemeralization

Meta-Physical= Ephemeralization: a term coined by R. Buckminster Fuller, is the ability of technological advancement to do "more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing". Fuller's vision was that Ephemeralization will result in ever-increasing standards of living for an ever-growing population despite finite resources. The concept has been embraced by those who argue against Malthusian philosophy. From Wikipedia.

The real point of Ephemeralization is that HUBEINGS will get to a point where change will happen, like it or not. In today’s world of business, a corporation’s way of acting in the Biosphere does not work for the well-being of Omni-HUBEINGS in the Biosphere. The idea that shareholder money value is more important than the cost to the Earthian Biosphere is just an error of HUBEINGS judement. The daily pollution at Omni-levels far outways the value created by these crazy Corporate Money Machines.

Money has to put into the right place of Biosphere accounting.

It is only when each HUBEING gets that they have an Accountibility and a  Responsibility to the Earthian Biosphere the sustainable prosperity will be arranged.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Is accepting the Obligation to perform or complete a task, assigned by someone, or created by one's own commitment to Your own Standards, Qualities, Rules, in each Happening or Circumstance of the Environment the Individual Human finds themselves being Part of

By Agreement.


RESPONSIBILTY: Obligation to perform or complete a task, assigned by someone, or created by one's own commitment to your own Standards, Qualities, Rules, in each Happening or Circumstance of the Environment the Individual Human finds themselves being a part of.


 In other words, HUBEINGS are on course to be part of the biggest problems every seen on planet earth. To think that is not happening…. just watch the bullshit spin of the Corporate news channels. All thinking is nothing short of having it roots in money. Hard to get countries or corporations to fund EBOLA, yet funding bombs for ISIS is happening.

Money is not the root of all evil. Money is however a poorly undertood exchange system that has the abillity to close down the HUBEING Biosphere. The new world of thinking is about:

1.    Future Arrangements 2. Short to Medium term Outcomes 3. Vital Actions Now D: Feedback Loops

sp bullet point  Perspective : Each Leader’s Subjective point of view

sp bullet point  Establish Communication of Quality, Standards and Rules of Engagement

sp bullet point  Define Boundaries of:

o   Co-operation

o   Collaboration

o   Leadership

o   Distributions of Accountabilities and Responsibilities

sp bullet point  Details of what is being decided

sp bullet point  Capabilities of each Individual (leader)

sp bullet point  Capacity of the Environment

sp bullet point   Lag Cycle

o   When will the decision be implemented? (TIME)

o   Is there a pattern to follow? (SEQUENCE)

o   What are the steps in the Sequence? (TIMING)

o   Are there events around the steps that will affect Successful decision making? (THE LAG CYCLES )

sp bullet point    -Measurements of Decisions made, looking for Corrections for

Future Improvements+



CAUSE: the time an event or happening starts; the Vital goals of now: 1-7 days

CONVERSION: The vital now until there appears a small movement towards new pattern of change: 90days to 1 year Outcomes

EFFECT: Simple changes that lead to long term complex changes, moving towards materialized Outcomes by design: 1-2 years

ARRANGEMENT:  Invisible design holding the engrained habits that lead to materialised patterns of the new being: 5-10 years

WHETHER IT’S RETHINKING GDP and how to measure the economic well-being of society, revising our ideas about productivity, understanding the notion of debt and how best to balance our production and consumption budgets with nature’s own, re-examining our notions about property relations, re-evaluating the importance of finance capital versus social capital , reassessing the economic value of markets versus networks, changing our conception of space and time, or reconsidering how the Earth’s biosphere functions, standard economic theory comes up woefully short.

If the industrial era emphasized the values of discipline and hard work, the top-down flow of authority, the importance of financial capital, the workings of the marketplace, and private property relations, the collaborative era is more about creative play, peer-to-peer interactivity , social capital, participation in open commons, and access to global networks.

The possibility of shifting more of our time and attention to advancing the civil society and the creation of social capital is naturally appealing, and is quickly emerging in developed countries around the world. Yet we can’t escape the fact that 40 percent of the human race is still making $ 2 a day or less and barely able to survive. This tragic reality is compounded by the frightening volatility in prices of everything from basic food commodities and construction materials to petrol for transport, and the even more terrifying real -time impacts of climate change on worldwide agriculture as we enter the long endgame of the Second Industrial Revolution. From Rifkin, Jeremy (2011-10-04). The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World (p. 269). Palgrave Macmillan. Kindle Edition.


Human Mind at work over 10,000 years from Cave drawings to the internet.

Lesson in the story of sonar and ultrasound, which is how quickly our ingenuity is able to leap boundaries of conventional influence. Our ancestors first noticed the power of echo and reverberation to change the sonic properties of the human voice tens of thousands of years ago; for centuries we have used those properties to enhance the range and power of our vocal chords, from cathedrals to the Wall of Sound. But it’s hard to imagine anyone studying the physics of sound two hundred years ago predicting that those echoes would be used to track undersea weapons or determine the sex of an unborn child. What began with the most moving and intuitive sound to the human ear— the sound of our voices in song, in laughter, sharing news or gossip— has been transformed into the tools of both war and peace, death and life. Like those distorted wails of the tube amp, it is not always a happy sound . Yet, again and again, it turns out to have unsuspected resonance. Johnson, Steven (2014-09-30). How We Got to Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World (p. 125). Penguin Group US. Kindle Edition.

In my thinking, there is  huge work to be done. It is the biggest opportunity for Omni-HUBEINGS. It is not for the money-hungry weak of spirit.

Rather,  now is the TIME for the Aware-Present HUBEING to be Co-opertive, Collaborative, Distributive, Empathic HUBEING Leaders, starting with each HUBEING to take the initative to be that leader.

hexagon 1hexagon 2

Next week, Book 3 – Senario Thinking.

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