Book 2, Lesson 40


Business is very Simple


“-Business is Very Simple.


Add to the Complexity of Omni-Happenings+”


1. A business must have a PRODUCT or SERVICE

2. A business must have Customers who make Purchases

3. Business customers must always Pay

4. A business must Add Value and Create Demand (Business is no longer about supply and demand)

5. A business must make a PROFIT or it is not a business

6. A business must have customers who Repeat Purchase

                    “-DOING EVER MORE EVER LESS+” EMEL


Last week, I said I would talk about Job versus Meaning…. Let me say upfront: this is my opinion that I have developed over 60 years of my life to date. I’m open to feedback.

My mother was the greatest influence on my thoughts around Work, Job and Meaning. Very simply…. if you are not physically doing something, how can you have a Job that is worth doing?


My mother was part of the great human manufacturing productions era. You know the time….. when having a Job and producing something gave you great self-esteem and ergo Meaning in your life.


If you could become a leader and improve yourself, even better.


After All …. you could hate your job as long as you made more money and had a Job Title. Then you must be better than the Human next door.


With affluence in human 1st world living, production it seems turned to questioning the Meaning of the hard Working humans.


What is the Meaning of my life?


Is my self-esteem partly created by my Job?


Hating what I do in my Job……What is the meaning of that?


Oh, that’s right….. I can buy more and be more… give me more money and a better Job Title….. now I have more Meaning!


The great corporations around the world created better Job Titles and paid a lot more money in exchange for more of the human’s energy and time.


The cycle continues until one day, the humans cannot produce to the level of human created technologies.


The great corporations no longer need or want you humans to do the physical work …..after all, we have technologies for that now.


The technologies work longer, harder, faster, without job title or wanting more money. Once Corporations deploy the technology and expense the money, all physical work is a dying concept.


Great news….. Corporations created new 1st world workers……… knowledge workers to monitor and develop new technologies.


Even better news….. knowledge workers get better Job Titles and even more money!


Good news…. this means more self-esteem, even though I hate my job; I have a job and even more importantly, I have a great Job Title and more money.


Perhaps there is no meaning to my life….. don’t worry….. I have loads of money and other Humans look at me and think I’m great…after all, look at my Job.


My thought for over 20 years now….. What happens if there aren’t enough Jobs to occupy humans and money becomes more important than life itself?


The greatest gift my mother instilled in Me and all my brothers and sisters is…….. Think for yourself, be Responsible, only you are Accountable for who you are and what you do.


I can hear ringing in my ears Mum yelling; “Are you that stupid that if your friend jumped off a bridge and hurt themselves, you are going to jump off the same bridge? Just how stupid are you?”


“Wake-up, be responsible”. (It was the 1960’s when language like that was used. Today, maybe my mum could use different words… the message would be the same).


When my brothers and sisters and I would wallow in self-pity and complain about not having money, living in the poor part of town or “look what everyone else has”,

my mum’s favourite line was  ….”What do think? The Queen’s shit doesn’t stink?….. Everyone’s shit stinks”.  It was my mother’s way of saying that there is opportunity if you are willing to accept who you are and where you’re at.


For the record, all my family has been through all the therapies that life brings and have managed to create great environments for all our families.


My mum’s #1 rule is…. “WE look after our family first, no matter what!”


Plain and simple and god help you if you don’t.


That is my greatest concern…. As I get older, I realise my family are Omni-Humans.

The Meaning that is being developed by the insanity of money and debt exchange in my opinion is the greatest pollution on planet earth.


The human brain is polluted by the importance of money and keeping humans in debt is nearing the boundaries of Human’s Meaning of life. Money exchange and Debt boundaries, unless addressed, just may be what Extinct Humanity.


In the 21st century, economic, political, and cultural power will not go to the wealthiest nations or the ones with the strongest armed forces, but to an international collective of individuals who believe in and work toward the development of their inherent human potential.


These individuals will be the most prosperous workers, the most effective leaders, the most creative artists and scientists, and the most fulfilled and responsible members of their families and communities. They will approach life as a challenging exhilarating adventure.


Until you put yourself on the line, move out of your comfort zone, and take a chance, you will never achieve any real progress. Over time, this adventurous state of mind can become your new standard, replacing your fear, complacency, self-doubt, and resistance.

Are you going to go to one of those one-day-wonder motivational seminars where you pay a bunch of money to see Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, or your favorite sports legend projected onto a mammoth video screen?


That might make you feel good for a day or two, but then everything will go back to the way it was.


 Because motivation is to the real development of potential as cotton candy is to nutrition. It's a nice treat, but no one ever got stronger by eating a diet of cotton candy.

The dilemma we are facing is that we have been sold a bill of goods about learning.


In school, learning meant memorizing information, not putting it to use.


As adults, we now think that learning can be reduced to acquiring new theories, models, tips, and techniques, simply by understanding them.


 It just doesn't work that way.


Your mind is not a computer full of circuit boards that can be rewired or software that can be upgraded. You might go to one of those motivational seminars, sit and listen and expect that you will be able to go back into life "reprogrammed," that at some moment the exact set of circumstances that were described in the seminar will occur, you will automatically know what to do, and you will spring into action.


 Even though of course it doesn't work this way, we keep doing it.


We waste billions of dollars a year on programs, books, and CDs that not only don't

Competence, whether as a manager, a parent, or a leader. You can only develop competence through practice, and practice takes time.


While this may seem disappointing-who doesn't secretly wish for a quick fix?-you should be insulted by any suggestion that real learning can happen in an instant.


After all, you've been developing your unique way of being human over the span of decades. You've invested a lifetime in becoming who you are. You can change, but not in an instant. The only way to authentically learn is through practice.


Practice is critical to everything we are going to do. This is because the mind understands, but it's the body that learns.


Understanding can occur in an instant, but authentic learning takes time.


It is your body that lives and moves in the world, that takes action and has experiences, and the body can learn only through practice.


When your commitment to learning trumps your commitment to being afraid, you will learn


From Chris Majer;John Brant. The Power to Transform: Passion, Power, and Purpose in Daily Life (Kindle Location 256). Kindle Edition.


I have a Job that pays me enough money that I can live the life I want.


I own my Job because I understand Entrepreneurial Ventures (risking taking) that must turn into Business Ventures (managed risk) and finally, create an Asset (Future value) by creating my Job into a Sustainable Business Brand.


I watch and wonder….. if I can do this …….. Why not you?


I’m no different from any other human. I was born into a Circumstance and Omni Events and Happenings over 60 years of my life have shaped who I am today.  


I think myself very lucky….. I have a Job where I make enough money that I can Work on Ideas and Study whatever I like that gives Meaning to my life.


To me, a Job is what I do for money.

Work is what I love to do and gives me Meaning to be alive.


I love being an Entrepreneur, a risk taker….

Building businesses for each human that gives them a Job…….

That pays them money to live the lifestyle they want……….

Whilst understanding that Ephemeralization is one of the key factors driving humanity Ever More Ever Less EMEL on a daily basis.

A business must have something left over after every Transaction that uses less energy, less time, creating more space in the mind of the customer. It is that simple.


I started this lesson with the simplicity of business…. 6 things that must be done to go from Job to a Business, like it or not.


For the record, it is my opinion that…..


Humans will start to buy and sell Jobs


I believe that technologies have now advanced enough to create….


“One Person Corporations”

= A Job you own and control, that is part of something Bigger than you, creating the required SYNERGY’s for long term Jobs/Meaning/Human Success.

Stay Tuned,



jd struggledork