Intergenerational Wealth: Part 3
“-Intergenerational Wealth+”
Intergenerational: is something where multiple generations of events intermingle or come together.
“-Between Happenings/Circumstance+”
Wealth: is the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions
Intergenerational Wealth: Something Leftover After all Costs,Expenses and Spend in a Business that Repeats With a “-More with Less+” Context.
Understanding that:
Costs are made up of Energy, Space, Time, and Exchange,
Expenses are made up of MONEY that is exchanged that can be Tax Deducted and
Spend is MONEY exchanged that can not be tax deducted.
Context: the circumstances or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place. In my view, this is where all Wealth starts… in the Space that is created in any given event, happening or circumstance. The real wealth of any Human is Awareness and Presence, and having a level of choice in any environment that the human is part of.
“-Choice of a Conscious Future Arrangement+”
Enter the Human Capacity Project…..
Jason T and I have been running a series of events around the world called the
“Human Capacity Project”(HCP).
In these events, we have been studying the following questions:
What is Money?
What is Wealth?
How do we as Humans Create Intergenerational Wealth?
My strongest belief from the HCP…. Is that Humans have Infinite Capacity that is part of a greater GOD design.
Human-Capacity is part of the Brain Physical-/Mind Metaphysical+, Gravity-/Radiation+ the dualities of relationships. There can be no relationships without “ME”/“YOU”=1
Human-Capabilty is another matter. For as long as Humans have been on Planet Earth and collecting Sensorial Information through our Body/Brain connections…..
We Humans have been increasing our Capabilities.
“- Infinite Potentiality+”
“: The starting point of measursement. Understanding that all humanity lives inside the SPACE of Happenings/Circumstances and is Always Finite.
Negative-: SPACE is the SPACE which surrounds (around) Happenings/Circumstances
Infinite: without measurable limits..the Pardox of Humanity is Finite SPACE and Infinite Potentiality!
Potentiality: a capacity to grow, develop,create or become something else by Human choice.
”+:Positive-SPACE contains the Happening/Circumstance that is intended as the Focus of the ENERGY-EVENT…. Creating the change of something to leave the Entropy leftover
“-SPACE+”Always coexists!-! It always takes more Energy to make a change than it does to maintain what is already there.
Humans have the ability to understand SPACE (Events/Happenings/Circumstances) and be part of the Universal Mind and Creating Futures by the Capacity of Human Design.
Capacity: the maximum input/output of what is being measured. In the case of a human, the Human/Mind measurement is the ability to relate to various Events/Happenings/Circumstances. To date, MIND has no measureable limits.
GOD DESIGN Allows Humans a view to Universal laws.
The Brain/Mind Connection Gives HUMANS
“-Infinite Potentiality+”
To the extent of Human Capabilities
In reference to Jason T’s Illustration above…..
The illustration has four levels of perceived Measurement:
Level 1: Spiritual Wealth is the infinite potential of Omni-Human design. Omni-Humanity is born naked with their Humanness fully exposed to what they are born into. Without fail, every Human is a renew ENERGY-FORCE equipped with Human Design with all of the senorial connection to the Brain/Mind=1. Albeit some Humans are born with challenges that require great spirits to overcome the challenge. None the less, all Humans are a renewed ENERGY-FORCE…… perhaps the most important renewable ENERGY-FORCE in Universe. This is why the second level is so important in the illustration.
Level 2: Knowledge Wealth is at this stage of Human development part of infinite potential. It seems each generation of Human kind makes break-throughs in Universal Design that allows the evolution Human Knowledge, giving greater meaning of Human functions in Universe. This could be the reason WHY renewed Human ENERGY-FORCE could be the most important of all Renewable ENERGY. At the very least, the most important to Human kind. Our ability to take Information in, convert it to Knowledge and ultimately allowing for Universal Wisdom could be the most important happening a Human could be involved with.
Level 3: Relationships Wealth in my view goes to the capability of a Human. This starts to show the finite aspect of Human design. The brain as a finite Human SPACE is the physical part (visible) of human design and records the Events/Happenings of each Human. As a Universe Design, the brain is a sensorial storage device. The real wealth that is created is by the weight-less design of the Mind (invisible) is non-measurable (at this point in time), yet a powerfully relating Omni-Universe device. The Humans abilities to make relationships, no matter if the relationships are Human to Human, Humans to other Life forms or the Universal Environment is the true Human Intergenerational Wealth and is measured over Omni-Time Frame and Humans Mind may just be Anti-entropic.
True knowledge of history begins when the ironies of the pair-wise and kindred interactions of the mental processes among individuals are accessible to our knowledge.
Nature itself is ruthlessly anti-entropic, but only the human individual has been shown to exert that capability by personal individual will, as this is done in the act of discovery of a true universal physical principle which is then employed to inform relevant human behaviour. From Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Level 4: Money Wealth in my thinking is the Finite physical of Humanity and seems to be the measurement of wealth in what Jeremy Rifkin calls the “Carbon Era”. Money seems to be a measure of wealth; I think Money is really a measure of Flow as opposed to Capital, which is a measure of what is left-over after money is exchanged (this is for another Lesson). This is why Jason created the Intergeneration Wealth illustration above = a way of capturing all the thinking from around the world on Wealth. I don’t think it will come as a surprise to any Human on Planet Earth that the Human Exchange System is so Polluted that the most Humans have poor understanding of….
Wealth, Money or Intergenerational Wealth.
I consider myself to be a Human that has poor understanding of the Human Wealth System and the true Function of Humans in Universe. What I’m absolutely certain of is that “The Human Exchange System is the most polluted of all Human Thinking”! I have studied for 20 years the concept of Cosmic Accounting System….. the accounting of Universal Energy Systems and Creating More-with-Less Outcomes = the idea of Ephemeralization.
Ephemeralization is an R. Buckminster Fuller Concept
EPHEMERALIZATION: that is the dymaxion principle of doing ever more with ever less weight, time, and ergs (units of measuring energy) per each given level of functional performance. With an average recycling rate for all metals of 22 years, and with comparable design improvements in performance per pound,
EPHEMERALIZATION means that ever more people are being served at ever higher standards with the same old materials.
Thank You Jason T for your Illustration…..I want to do my best to understand your thinking on the matter.
The Study Continues.
JDS out!_!