Intergenerational Wealth: Part Two
"-Intergenerational Wealth+"
Intergenerational: is something where multiple generations of events interm ingle or come together.
"-Between Happenings or Circumstance+"
Wealth: is the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions
The United Nations definition of inclusive wealth is a monetary measure which includes the sum of natural, human and physical assets. Natural capital includes land, forests, fossil fuels, and minerals. Human capital is the population's education and skills. Physical (or "manufactured") capital includes such things as machinery, buildings, and infrastructure. From Wikipedia
Intergenerational Wealth: Something Leftover After all Costs,Expenses and Spend in a Business that Repeats With a “-More with Less+” Context.
Understanding that:
Costs are made up of Energy, Space, Time, and Exchange,
Expenses are made up of MONEY that is exchanged that can be Tax Deducted and
Spend is MONEY exchanged that can not be tax deducted.
Context: the circumstances or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place. In my view, this is where all Wealth starts… in the Space that is created in any given event, happening or circumstance. The real wealth of any Human is Awareness and Presence, and having a level of choice in any environment that the human is part of.
“-Choice of a Conscious Future Arrangement+”
My understanding of wealth as it stated by the United Nations is as follows.
The United Nations definition of inclusive wealth:
Land: the solid part of the Earth's surface not covered by a body of water is made more wealthy by to Humans by human usage.
Positive Sence+ made productive for humans by domesticating the land for Human usage. Negative Sense- over exposed domestication of the land so as to pollute the Cosmics Biosphere.
Forest: a large area of land covered in trees and other plants growing close together
Positive Sence+ the wealth of a forest is turned into Human products that are used to make life more affulent for Humans.
Negative Sense- Removal of forest in excessive amounts could have adverse effects on the Cosmic-Biosphere.
Forest plays a significant role in reducing erosion and moderating the climate. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store large quantities of carbon in their tissues. Trees and forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants.
Fossil-Fuels: any carbon-containing fuel derived from the decomposed remains of prehistoric plants and animals, e.g. coal, peat, petroleum, and natural gas
Positive Sence+ has created the biggest opportunities for Omni-Humanity by the economic advantages created by the last 200 years of the carbon economy.
Negative Sense- The the accelerated usage of all the carbon fuels could be polluting the Cosmic-Biosphere, thus effecting weather patterns and viable long term breathing air.
Minerals: is a naturally occurring substance that is solid and stable at room temperature(21°C or 70°F), representable by a chemical formula, usually a biogenic (synthesized by the agency of geological systems), and has an ordered atomic structure. It is different from a rock, which can be an aggregate of minerals or non-minerals and does not have a specific chemical composition.
Positive Sence+ Minerals come together to create systems and processes that allow for capital goods that include such things as machinery, buildings, and infrastructure. “Doing Ever More with Ever Less”.
Negative Sense- It could be that the over-mining of minerals is starting to effect the Cosmic-Biosphere by not understanding the true Cosmic purpose of minerals in the evolution of the Biosphere.
Physical: relating to the body of matter (Visible), rather than to the mind, the soul, or the feelings (Invisible).
Meta-Physical: Beyond physical. As an example: Brain physical (visible matter), Mind Meta-physical (Invisible weightless).
Costs: Is a Cosmic function and is measured by Energy, Space created, Time taken, and Exchanges happening.
Expenses: Are a human construct that allow for money exchange system. Expenses are always money spent on something.
Is there a changing of the Human Economic Wealth System that is being descibed above by the United Nations?
How imminent is the change!-?+
According to J Rifkin in the Third Industrial Revolution, the change has already started and is being driven by Biosphere-Consciousness.
Jeremy Rifkin, author of The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, The Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism, describes a world where privatized monopolies yield to collaborative Commons. Copyright, Truthout
The distributed and collaborative nature of the new economic paradigm is forcing a fundamental rethinking of the high regard previously bestowed on private property relations in markets. The quickening connection of the nervous system of every human being to every other human being on Earth, via the Internet and other new communications technologies, is propelling us into a global social space and a new simultaneous field of time . The result is that access to vast global networks is becoming as important a value as private property rights were in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A generation growing up on the Internet is apparently unmindful of the classical economic theorists’ aversion to sharing creativity, knowledge and expertise, and even goods and services in open commons to advance the common good.Rifkin, Jeremy (2011-10-04). The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World (p. 214).
Enter the Human Capacity Project…..
Jason T and I have been running a series of events around the world called the “Human Capacity Project”(HCP). In these events, we have been studying the following questions:
What is Money?
What is Wealth?
How do we as Humans Create Intergenerational Wealth?
I will give my thinking on what I have learnt and provide Jason T’s diagram as his collective thought.
My strongest belief from the HCP…. Is that Humans have Infinite Capacity that is part of a greater GOD design.
Human-Capacity is part of the Brain Physical-/Mind Metaphysical+, Gravity-/Radiation+ the dualities of relationships. There can be no relationships without “ME”/“YOU”=1
Duality: a situation or nature that has two states or parts that are complementary or opposed to each other. From Encarta Dictionary
Everything Starts@1 and Divides
Nature and Humans Repeat until Reaching Critical Mass to Evolve
Evolve: develop something gradually, often into something more complex or advanced, or undergo such development. From Encarta Dictionary
Human-Capabilty is another matter, for as long as Humans have been on Planet Earth and collecting Sensorial Information through our Body/Brain connections…..
We Humans have been increasing our Capabilities.
Human’s Infinite Potentialities (Capacity) is part of:
a Non-Equilibrium(thermodynamic systems that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium From Universe that is seeking …….
Equilibrium (a stable condition in which forces cancel one another and there is no movement VERITAS), in a ……..
Non-Simultaneous(not happening at the same time), only …….
Partially Overlapping (not completely matching)……
Energy Happenings that in Omni-Circumstances+ is about the Human Capacity.
Humans have the gift of Choice that allows for the the seeking of VERITAS.
VERITAS-Truths of Omni-Truths (Heaven on Earth)
ZERO-EQUILIBRIUM is the End Game (Hell frozen Over)
It could be another billion years to get to ZERO-EQUILIBRIUM!
In the mean TIME, the game goes on and is an Intergenerational Game!-/!+
-Human’s are Wealth Creators by Understanding Energy-Flow+
Created by the Intergenerational Games!-/!+
Jason T’s thinking in a Picture Icon:
Next week, I will give my understanding of Jason T’s Picture Icon. Until then,
Every day In Every Way, as a Human, look to increase your CAPABILITIES as we have
“-Infinite Potentiality+”
JDS out!_!