Communication Cycles of Business
Just Repeat
Elements of Business “IN/OUT”
Last, week I wrote about setting-up call Cycles. I wrote about 4-contacts in 10 days, all adding Value. The question is:
How do I make that many calls in such a short space of time and add Value?
First…. what is Value?
,“Value is Always the Customer’s Perception”
“IN”-(Business), like It or Not, Value is Always determined by the
“(Customer) or the Receiver of any Exchange”
“OUT”-Sender or transmitter (Business) is looking for Feedback to determine Value”
What does it all mean?
“I really don’t know!-!”
This will take a few lessons of “ME” writing and Maybe a few years of “YOU” Experiencing the concepts!-!
Why? I don’t I know…. is it’s not until I force myself to write my thoughts that I comprehend what I’m thinking. Before I write my thoughts, I have an apprehension or a feeling. It is not until I write that I get any level of WISDOM.
I’m an operations guy and would rather be telling “YOU” What and How to do it. What I know very clearly is that telling someone What and How to do anything
Hasn’t worked for “ME” so far.
“I’m all about “distributed leadership” and then all the Accountabilities/Responsibilities
That It Brings”
I think it is important to share what I know and for you to see how it applies to what you know and your own circumstance. Over the next 3 weeks, I will explain the 3 illustrations at the start of this lesson. It is then up to you if you apply my thinking to your own circumstance. I have spent 25 years experiencing these thoughts and they are true for “ME”. I’m not sure if they will apply to your own circumstance.
=1Communication Cycle: Thinking of =1 every 1 must have (no exception) a relationship with something else. “ME-YOU”=1- “Environment/ME”=1 or Dualities or Unity.
Communication does not exist without a
“Unity is Plural at a Minimum of 2”
The key thought: it takes 2 to make 1
Duality or Unity
In Business: “ME” the supplier-“You” the customer=1. There is no business if there is no relationship between ““Supplier”/“Customer”=1”
““A” the supplier/“B”” will create a communication cycle and it =1
“ME” =1 has the Duality of being a Transmitter and a Receiver at the same TIME.
““ME”=1 Each 1 lives in a gravity field and TUNES
IN-/Receiver - Negative TUNED IN as GRAVITY Matter and has
BETWEEN-/also each 1 lives in Universe and moves
OUT/-Transmitter + Positive TUNED OUT as RADIATION””
Creating a Cycle Space of Communication
“=Space IN-
-/- Space between
-= Joining Space
”= Space Out +
-=Negative Energy Gravity
+= Positive Energy Radiation
“Gravity is more POWERFUL than Radiation”
=“SPACE AROUND “ME” Universe”=1
!-! To make a change, it takes more + Energy..../ to breakout of “INERTIA”
“A+ OUT-TO -B becomes INTO -B-/-space between B+ OUT-TO -A becomes INTO -A=1”
“Cycle of Human Communication”
The cycle will repeat and get more complex by relationships added!-!
Accountability - Negative TUNED “IN” AS “GRAVITY” MATTER
Responsibility + Positive TUNED “OUT” AS “RADIATION”
WOW…. That is the first illustration defined!
How do we apply the process?
Increasing business is a systematic event. This event is all about meaningful frequency of interaction. The interaction must have a focus and clear intention of an expected outcome. Or why bother?
Last week I was setting up a new territory which is radiating “OUT”. This week, I want to know what questions I want answered so they come back “IN”. I don’t call on anyone when I don’t know the questions I want answered, period. I have a requirement of what I want to know as a minimum. It usually requires “ME” asking direct questions that will close down the space and may even have the other person feeling uncomfortable.
Here is my point…. I don’t make Business calls to make friends. I’m looking for potential customers, not friends. Am I friendly? Absolutely YES!
More to the point, I’m looking for a customer to do business with
And make a Profit from all Transactions!
A very great friend of mine, Harry B always reminds “ME” that doing business requires customers. Friends are life ventures; customers are a business transaction.
A mistake that I see made at all the business network clubs all over the world ….. everyone is too busy making friends. I’m that direct. If I’m doing business, I make it very clear of my intention and my expectation for that matter. I accept that not everyone will do business with “ME” and honestly, I don’t want to do business if it doesn’t suit both parties. Otherwise it is a waste of my Energy and Time (and theirs!)! On a cold call, I’m very direct and fast, so I must know what I want to communicate on each call.
List as follows:
Information we want to communicate to a customer:
§ Your name and your company name
§ Why you are there
§ What do you want from them from you being there?
The customer is really not that interested in you telling them how great you are. They are more interested in what you do and what benefits do you bring to them. From their point of view, all that matters is WIIFM… “What’s in it for me?”
The first few calls are about finding out as much about the customer as possible.
The real power in a cold call is the questions that are asked.
The key to the first call is to be a lead-in to the second, third and so on.
No call should ever be ended without asking for an order or making a commitment to do something………Follow-up on something so you can Follow-through on a warm commitment.
Any Information is Better than No Information
Information that we need to gather:
§ Who is the best person to speak to about your service?
§ Have they used your type of service before
§ If so, who do they use?
§ What type of training do they use?
§ Do you need to be an approved supplier?
§ How do you become an approved supplier?
§ Do they have any issue they want done now?
§ Do they have a card that you can have?
§ Can you send them an email outlining what both of you have spoken about?
§ Will they try your service, now or in the future?
The key is asking enough questions that you have a way back and not too many that you put the potential customer off-side.
What do you need to take on the first call?
1. A good, easy manner (open mind)
2. A genuine interest in the what you do and what your customers want
3. Your Business card to leave behind
4. Something to take notes with
5. Customer Credit Application form
The key to the first call…… is knowing that you will be nervous.
Make sure you have a practiced process in mind. The most important want in any call made is a way back to the customer without wasting your time or theirs. A sale on the first call is always a bonus and very possible.
Obviously, if you are a door-to-door Salesperson with a product in hand, there is only 1 objective…… Making a Sale!! I will deal with that later.
Next week, I will write about Business Elements.