Business Profit Create Futures
Fiat Money makes Business Exchanging Easy, Simple, Fast and Repeatable.
“-Money, Margin, Profit, Demanding Added Value, Developing Long-Term Wealth and
Creating Futures by Monitoring and Debriefing Cycles of Focused Feedback loops+”
1. Choices to make,
2. Decisions that LEAD to
3. Actions….that create
4. Feedback loops!-!
“Trial and error is freedom.”
“You get pseudo-order when you seek order; you only get a measure of order and control when you embrace randomness.” N. Taleb
Our whole business or lives can be a Reflection or a Refraction of Choices and Decisions made.
Win or lose are in a moment in time and seemingly do not really matter to the overall of a Life-span of a HU-Being or business Cycle.
Success is created by Risk-taking (Omni-Syntropic) around time. Meaning that there is no right no wrong, no good no bad, no winning no losing… just Exchanges Created by Movement that can be monitored by Your Awareness/Presence=1 of Circumstance Events and Happenings.
Win: beat any or every opponent or enemy in a competition or fight; gain victory
Lose: cease to possess or have something such as a job; Loser
Winning or losing are for sporting events and have very defined time frames and are momentarily important.
I don’t like Win/Win thinking. Win goes with loss… both are moments in time that change very quickly. I prefer to think in abundant life by wanting you to be as Successful as you want to be.
Success is Indifferent Subjectivity
“Syntropic-Entropic-Flow, looking to become Anti-Entropic Wealth”.
Success can be measured by:
· Omni-Choices made (Integrated Life)
· Aware/Presence=1 Decisions
· Actions that create
· Feedback loops in every Circumstance Event or Happening!-!
“Trial and error is freedom.”
“You get pseudo-order when you seek order; you only get a measure of order and control when you embrace randomness.” N. Taleb
I believe that all HU-Being are a great design of Universe and part of a G.O.D. (Great Original Design).
HU-Being are an organic design and Omni-tools, Technologies and Inventions are created to support the great design of HU-beings. I don’t believe HU-Beings invent anything. It is more a matter of discovery of G.O.D. and then the application of the discovery that create Anti-Entropic Circumstances that will evolve by movements IN OUT BETWEEN AROUND, measured by Time Frames that determine:
Viabilities –Sustainabilities- Repeatabilities-Intergenerational HU-Being Wealth
“-Anti-Entropic Meta-Physical/Physical Organic Realities are always in Motion+”
“+Change always takes more Energy than Maintaining what is already there-"
Business is a very old HU-Being discovered Exchange System that has developed over centuries in time frame. In other words, business is “Anti-Entropic”.
In my experience of a very short period of time (my life), here are points every business must have in the 21th century:
Every Business must have products or services or both which are sold for money.
Every Business must have customers who buy the product or service or both and pay with money.
In every Business, the customer always pays for the products or services or both.
Every Business must make a margin of money
Every Business must make enough margin on every transaction to make a profit.
In order to stay in Business, every Business must add value in every transaction between Business and Customer
Added Value is always measured by Profits made in the business
Customers repeat buying in cycles of time which are determined by business product life cycles, which then determines the real added value.
The process of Doing Ever More, Ever Less (EMEL) is created by repeat sales to a customer.
Wealth is created by what is left over. Customers and Profits are what is leftover in a lifecycle of a business.
No Customers=No Money=No Profit
No Systems/No Processes=1 = No long term Business
No added value= No Wealth created
Futures are Created over long Term Time Frames 10 years or greater by Vital Actions of Now!-!
I want to give my opinion on:
1. Entrepreneurs
2. Business Owners
3. Corporations
Entrepreneur Origin: 1875–80; < F: lit., one who undertakes (some task) usually with considerable initiative and risk.
Key: a risk taker
Entrepreneurs are risk takers
Business: a person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern.
Key: profit seeking
Business Owners are risk adverse.
Corporation: an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.
Key: In other words, the risk is deferred to others ….the risk for the individual in a corporation is non- existent.
All 3 are very different and to create long term wealth in my opinion, each must be defined for better understanding.
I added corporation because I think it is a different animal all together and a lot of books have been written about corporations that don’t really apply to business owners, yet we tried to apply them to business.
The likes of Vision, Codes and Missions are really corporation or larger business thoughts. Very valuable for corporations or larger business, yet to me, a waste of time in SMEs (small to medium businesses). Corporations are large and require Codes, Visions and Missions. SMEs on the other hand must have Margins and Profits that Add Value to Survive. Most corporations are about share value. Their value is increased or added only if they increase their share value. More on this matter next week.
I’m an Entrepreneur = A person who creates everything from nothing…… Because it is already there.
For me, an entrepreneur sees patterns of events, puts them together and creates or discovers a way of doing a process by developing systems better than it was done before and then creates something else or a new pattern.
The reason why I measure and why I want to be accurate is to create an objective reality around…
1. Did you make a sale?
2. Or not?
3. Where is the proof?
4. Did the sale create a customer?
5. Or not?
6. What is the proof?
These questions are first and far more important than a Codes, Vision or Mission. The survival of business is about Products, Customers, Margins, Added value, Profits first and foremost in importance.
My Latest Painting
Spirits and Cycles of BUSINESS
“-I’m an Entrepreneur that takes Risk creating,
A business by building Business Systems/Processes=1 by,
Serving first by adding Value in every Business Transaction
(Winning or losing is a sporting Event)
Business is being my best everyday…….. knowing I can do better tomorrow+”