The Galloping Horse – Part 3

Book 2, Lesson 19



The Galloping Horse – Part 3


From Judy Struggledork:

At last!! Finally! I have more contributions to manage and finally, we can shut John up!! More people are contributing their experiences. THANK YOU! This week, we have 3 great articles…… we open with John, followed by Chiwi Struggledork and the last article by Rafters Struggledork. I edit John’s work… he has asked me to do this. I don’t edit other contributor’s work, as I do not have their permission to do this and the articles must be in their own words. Take your time to read it, digest what has been written and then please give us your thoughts. The more of you who contribute, the more we have the demonstration of a global community and the quieter John will be!!


From John Struggledork:

FOCUSED-INTENTION: single-minded and determined. The understanding of the power of focus and intention changes lives.

PROVIDENCE: God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human destiny

INITIATIVE: the ability to act and make decisions without the help or advice of other people.

EXCHANGE: give something to get something

  1. ENERGY: In physics, energy is one of the basic quantitative properties describing a physical system or object's state. Energy can be transformed (converted) among a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways.
  2. SPACE: a period or interval of time… an area set apart….. is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as space time. 
  3. TIME: a system of distinguishing events; a dimension that enables two identical events occurring at the same point in space to be distinguished, measured by the interval between the events.
  4. MONEY: is a storage system created over time and has very strict rules. Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country.
  5. POSITIVE: is an outward direction and radiates out in all directions. Energy moving “OUT”.
  6. NEGITIVE: is “IN” ward gravitational force. Pulling together and holding space.

As strange as it may sound, it is possible to be positively negative and negatively positive. Careful John….. you are boarding on insanity. Money, Energy, Time and Space “OUT are positive. Money, Space, Energy and Time “IN” are negative. 

Let me explain:

Where I left with you with my last thinking 2 weeks ago, I was in the USA to make sure money could flow in our business HOSEMASTERS. We have spent 2 years:

  1. putting energy out,
  2. creating space in the Texas marketplace for the brand HOSEMASTERS (bloody hard work), and;
  3. looking to create MONEY FLOW.

HOSEMASTERS has now created a regular customer base who repeatedly buy our products and services. All of sudden, larger amounts of money are flowing on an account basis. (What a problem to have!) Believe it or not, it was a problem….. The business now has money ageing over agreed terms (30 days from the date of invoice). Great news, because it sets-up repeat sales. Problem is that debt is accumulating in my customers own business and has to be accounted for in the Cash flow of the customer’s accounts. My problem is that I have to have a place for the money to come in so I can re-distribute the money out again. This is the real business wealth cycle:

  3. RETURNING IN -NEGATIVE  is the boundary of the transactions and completes the cycle of a business transaction

In short, with the bank account open to accept payments, circulation is complete and lets the business grow and creates the wealth from the know-how of business.

Below, I also include my African lesson for consideration of your mind space.


 Money Pass, Money Past, Money Returned


Money stored, held in LAG

Yesterday, I had a lesson I didn’t expect to see, given where I was.

Let “ME” set the context. I was giving a workshop on ENTREPRENEURS and BUSINESS OWNERS to 350 students aged between 14-18 years old at a South African school.  I have to say that this was a great honour and I received payment for giving the lesson, making it even better. 

For the first 1.5 hours it was normal getting students to interact with each other. That went very well. After the break, I could see we were on the edge of the student’s abilities to take in any more information….. In short, they were full of ideas and it was like pouring more into a glass full of water. Being AWARE, I made a commitment to the School Lecturers that I would deliver an outcome, thus fulfilling on promises made by the South African marketing team. In their marketing material to the college, there was a promise made as follows…… In this workshop Kelly will:

ü  Teach financial literacy

ü  Empower the students to control their financial future

ü  Teach productively, efficiently and vibrantly

ü  Effectively engage the law of attraction

ü  Change student’s mind sets

ü  Teach Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership

ü  Increase Student Capacity and Capability

I don’t know how the hell I could be anywhere close to doing all this  in 3 hours.  None-the-less, I believe in keeping energy high and you will survive the 3 hours and ADD VALUE.

Back to the students… after a break, they were coming back into the gym full of life and over-full of the lesson and there was very little likelihood that anything less than total engagement of the human body would work. As luck would have it, I had the CASHFLOW game at the event, knowing that the game would make a difference in the student’s lives if presented as a lesson, not a game.

Be clear….. I didn’t teach the game. I used part of the game. I once played a game of “Money Pass” at a Money and You seminar. At that time, I understood the game as fun and upsetting. The debrief of the game at the time wasn’t really that good. I think because Money wasn’t understood and even today, Money is misunderstood by most humans on planet earth in my opinion.

I make these points….. Money is moving very fast, faster than most humans can comprehend.

  1. In the 1970’s, the world  went off the gold standard
  2. In the 1980’s, the US dollar standard was imposed on the world
  3. In the 2000’s, the IMF imposed the debt standard on the world. The debt standard now is fully imposed on the world and a battle as large as any world war is being played out. Many governments are against the IMF’s invisible tax of currency exchange, which is imposed by banking systems.  The war appears bloodless….. none-the-less, there is a battle for global supremacy. (Yes….. money control….. it is that big).

Now let’s go back to the room in a South African college with 350 students. They were and are an absolute reflection of the current global Money system.

The CASHFLOW game, like many games, has play money as part of the game. In a moment of understanding, I created a game from my experience of having played educational games for 20 years.

I created the game on the spot:

  1. I take the play money from the CASHFLOW game
  2. As the students start coming back into the room, I hand them the play money
  3. I ask the students to stay at the front of the room don’t sit..! I create the marketplace with the students in front of a stage.
  4. The game is….. when I clap my hands, I want each student to pass the play money. No more rules. Simply pass the money.
  5. After 5 claps of my hands, I stop the student-made marketplace and their money changing.
  6. “What happened?” Asking that question in the moment is too much.  Why would anyone pass play money? I ask students to raise their hand if they have money. Only 30 % of students have money. In my reality, only 50% of the room really played the game…. The rest (50%) are not present.
  7. Okay….. I ask 6 students to come to the stage and their job is to watch the game and control by clapping their hands to get the money to move.
  8. I ask each student again to have play money in their hands…. Now let the students start the game and play.
  9. After a minute, I stop the game. Again only 30% of students have money. This time, 80% play the game.
  10. Again, what happened is not the question. I ask the students to raise their hand if they have money. The real point is that by asking, “What happened?”  to Humans who lack awareness only leads you (and them) to guessing and a load of non-productive time.  Focus and awareness are about understanding that both presence and awareness must happen at the same time. I’m aware that nearly the whole of humanity does not know the difference between money and wealth. The students don’t know what happened. I only have a short moment of opportunity to bring the lesson to greater knowledge. I have a room full of attention now. I play round 3. Below is my explanation of money and wealth.






    1. Money must circulate. If it does not, businesses and humans will die. Money is designed to move, not be stagnant. Lack of movement is the problem that leads to disability and death.
    2. Wealth is what is left over from the money circulating. Very simple and very true.
  11. In round 3, the 6 students at the stage become the game and the rest of the students in the room are the observers. Now I create a circle of the 6 students. I tell them to pass the money “OUT” to the right and receive “IN” the money on their left. Remember there are only 6 humans in the market place. I tell them… when I clap my hands, the game begins and they start passing and receiving money.  I start clapping my hands slowly and start to pick-up speed. After 8 hand claps, I stop the marketplace. All students don’t believe what they see in front of their eyes…. a simple task…. pass and receive money. I don’t ask, “What happened?”. Simply, “Raise your hand if you have money”.

Stats: 1 person has three bills, 3 people have one note, and 2 people have no money. I ask all of you to take this exercise very seriously. It could change your life.


What happened?





jd struggledork

                                                   JDS OUT


PS: As a human, are you willing to have all humans create a life as great or better than your life?



From Chiwi Struggledork:


“If you observe something long enough you will see the gears of the Universe”. Buckminster Fuller.


What did he mean by this?

What he is referring to is that if you are aware of an event and you watch it over a period of time, you will see a pattern. An example he often uses for precession is the stone dropped into a mill pond. It shows the ripple effect happening at 90 degrees away from the stones projection. The ripples of the waves happen after the stone has been dropped. Therefore, it lags the action of the stone.

  stone in pool








My article this week is about numbers, as it is one of the components to our business formula:


                        WORDS           NUMBERS          SYMBOLS        FOCUS

So this week, I get Ms A Dorkette to FOCUS on bringing in the business. Last week was slowing down to speed up in order to get some systems and processes in place. We also focused on production so that existing work could be completed and that future delivery of work would be within market tolerance.

Thus the speed up began on Monday. The drive for the week was to increase sales. We agreed to a campaign and targeted an outcome of 50 bookings in 3 weeks. The quickest way for the business to generate sales is through existing customers. ie: People who have done business with her in the past. So we organised her to go through her database and segment it chronologically. Then she got her mother to help, also a friend who is semi-retired, and a customer who said she will help, as she wants to learn about the industry.

I trained them on telemarketing and we went through key points on information required to be communicated.

Each day, I would go in and ask “what were the NUMBERS?”  and then record them on the flipchart.

The NUMBERS I was looking for were:

How many calls did you make?

How many were pending/maybe?

How many bookings?

By asking each day the same above questions over time, you will be able to see a pattern. For example, when I ask, “How many calls did you make?, what I am looking for is how many people did they talk to?

Things like wrong number or people not home do not count. To the rookie, this statistic is important as they like to feel they have achieved something. To me, it (nil result calls) has little significance as it is activity without productivity. What it means is that the next call could be, “Thank you for the call. I was waiting for you to contact me.”

So on Friday, I ask Ms Dorkette’s mother, Mrs Dorkette, how she got on? She says, “I am ecstatic. I made 3 bookings”. I ask her about the other NUMBERS and eventually draw out 80 calls and 5 pending.

Sales is a NUMBERS game and I have observed that the ratio tends to be:

X 60 calls / rings / door knocks results in….

X 16 contacts results in….

X 8 interested results in….

X 4 closes results in….

X 3 sales.

Which results in a solid days work.

The tally up on Friday was 12 bookings made that week. Which made Ms Dorkette extremely happy, as it shows a brightness of future.

The NUMBERS tell me which areas I have to focus training on. We can go on and test and measure how effective marketing campaigns are. We can introduce tools to do more with less.

As in the example on precession….. NUMBERS are a LAGGING indicator. This is so because it happens after the action is taken. It is the accumulative resultant of the energy put IN.

Therefore, knowing the NUMBERS means I can be predictive of the OUTCOME.

Chiwi Struggledork, over and out.


From Rafters Struggledork:

Why JDS is so complex.

Following JDS style, let’s start with a definition of Universe by Buckminster Fuller:

Universe is the comprehensive, historically synchronous, integral-aggregate system embracing all the separate integral-aggregate systems of all men’s consciously apprehended and communicated (to self or others) non-simultaneous, non-identical, but always complementary and only partially overlapping, MACRO-MICRO, always-and- everywhere, Omni-transforming, physical and metaphysical, weighable and unweighable event sequences. Universe is a dynamically synchronous scenario that is unitarily non-conceptual as of any one moment, yet as an aggregate of finites is sum-totally finite.

Our (Fuller’s) definition of Universe provides for the undiscovered and for the yet to- be discovered. Do not worry about that farthermost star which is yet to be consciously apprehended by any human being. Do not think we have not provided for those physical or chemical phenomena as yet not observed and recorded by human or mechanical sensing devices. The existence of such phenomena may not have even been postulated, but they can all be accommodated by our definition of Universe. Because we start with whole Universe we have left out nothing: There is no multiplication by amplification of, or addition to, eternally regenerative Universe; there is only multiplication by division. The farthermost star and the most unfamiliar physical phenomena are all accommodated by further arithmetical subdividing of our aggregate of overlapping experiences. Nothing could have been left out when you start with whole Universe.

I must confess that I only came to understand, at least partially,  this definition after reading it several times and mostly during a discussion with a study group set up by John Struggledork. Why would JDS bother with trying to understand a text with this level of complexity? Why would an international group gather week after week to study Fuller’s writings: Critical Path and Synergetics under JDS and other Struggledorks guidance?

I remember that the first time I saw the word universe used in a business context was when JDS was teaching me and others about business. JDS always started his business presentations by drawing a blue circle and asking “What is this?” After people said what they thought it was he would say this is universe the largest finite space there is. I thought about what he said and I had to agree that universe is very large (millions and millions of light years) and that there is also scientific agreement that it is finite.

I wondered why JDS started with universe until it hit me after I read B. Fuller’s definition (yes, I am a dork too!). We cannot understand universe or ourselves within universe unless we start from the largest space we know and have studied since humans populated this Earth.  We cannot understand universe unless we analyse it as a whole (no need to worry about what we do not know or what we may discover tomorrow).

The world of business is immersed in universe and yet most companies operate based on specialised micro analysis and knowledge. No wonder so many companies fail. I am certain that if business people spent some time learning about the works of nature, i.e. universe they could make a lot more sense of the infinite opportunity we as humans have. Businesses are the result of “non-simultaneous, non-identical, but always complementary and only partially overlapping, MACRO-MICRO, always-and- everywhere”.

When we look at the various components or parts of the universe it is impossible to understand what they become when combined. The same as in a business its components cannot explain what they become when those parts come together. The literature or theory about businesses is now available to everyone yet this has not made any difference to the number of businesses that continue to fail. In fact failure is part of the process and most business would eventually succeed if they only took the time to learn from their mistakes and have another go until successful. However, to learn we have to understand how we know what we know and how to transform what we know into something else. A couple of years ago I read a study done in a developing country about the percentage of failed businesses in various cities. The astonishing discovery was that the highest percentage of failed business took place in the city with the most investment in entrepreneurship teaching. My personal explanation for this situation is that this education focuses on MICRO-MACRO processing (trying to understand the whole from looking at the individual parts, rather that starting from the whole or largest idea/concept and then working out the various relationships. If you think this idea is crazy I challenge the reader to look at any manufactured object and think about all of the “non-simultaneous, non-identical, but always complementary and only partially overlapping” events that were required for its creation. As an example let’s look at a wallet. The cow that provided its skin, the people that raised the cattle the cow came from, the slaughter house, the leather processing company selling the leather to the wallet factory, the thread used to put the wallet together, the inside cloth, the brand, the dye, the transport company, the shop where you bought it, etc, etc. There were many people and places involved so that you could finally buy and use the wallet.

Reality is complex, and so is a business. I encourage all struggledorks out there  to consider expanding your understanding of the world in general so that you can start to uncover the governing laws of business. Apply these knowledge and thrive … ignore it and join the graveyard of failed businesses. 

Rafters Struggledork, OUT.