Book 2, Lesson 18


The Galloping Horse – Part 2


triangle hand


From Judy Struggledork…..


This week, the Galloping Horse (John Struggledork) has galloped off so far and so fast that instead of a lesson from John, 2 of our global family members have very kindly stepped in to contribute their thoughts and ideas on PROVIDENCE and SLOWING DOWN TO SPEED UP. Many thanks to R. Walter Struggledork and Chiwi Struggledork for their great lessons. John will then have his input next week.


From R. Walter Struggledork…… “PROVIDENCE”

What is providence?  Some people view providence as good luck.  Some view it as being in the right place at the right time.  Others see it as the hand of God.  Putting a label on it is probably less important than understanding how to work with providence to trigger the support that is always available to us, whether or not we recognize it or choose to align ourselves with it.

Providence is serendipitous.  Serendipity is: the occurrence and development of events in an unexpected and beneficial way.  The thing about providence is that while it may look like chance, it really doesn’t come about by chance at all.  Providence is systematic, predictable and reliable, once we know how to work with it to cause it to connect with us and flow toward us. 

To construct a clear concept of Providence, we must first comprehend exchange.  We must come to understand what exchange is, how the processes of exchange work and how to conduct balanced exchanges that are large enough to achieve our goals.

Exchange is: an act of giving one thing and receiving another.  An exchange can be conducted with money, commodities, services, time or things.  An exchange may take place using equal values, such as ten dimes in exchange for one dollar.  However, most exchanges are based on the parties’ perceptions of value.  I pay $1.00 for a bottle of water at McDonalds.  However, if I am in the middle of a desert, I haven’t had a drink for 3 days and I am about to die of thirst, I may give you everything I own for that same bottle of water and feel like I got the better end of the deal, because my life depends on it.

Whether we are conscious of it or not, human beings are always in exchange.  First of all, we are in exchange with our environment.  We inhale oxygen, which is vital for us to live and we exhale carbon dioxide.   The plant kingdom breathes in the carbon dioxide we exhale and gives off the oxygen that we need.  This exchange goes on perpetually, all over the planet, while we are mostly unaware and unconscious of the process.  However, if anything interrupts that exchange, we will instantly be thinking of nothing but our next breath of air.  Just like we fail to realize most of the time how vital it is that we keep the process of breathing in balance, we also forget, and perhaps have almost entirely forgotten, that there are other forms of exchange that may be just as vital.  Next time, John Struggledork will share a story about garbage piling up in a country he recently visited.  There is wealth lying on the ground all around the people of that country, while they live in poverty, because they don’t understand exchange.  Stay tuned…

So, we are always in exchange, and most of the exchanges that we participate in each day, plus many more that we could take advantage of if we could only see the opportunities- are invisible to us.  What if you could see more?  Bucky Fuller taught that 99.9% of what is real is invisible to the human eye?  What do you suppose he meant?  What if you could come to see a portion of what is invisible to others?  Might that present you with opportunities to empower those around you to exchange at higher levels for the profit and benefit of all?  Makes sense, doesn’t it?  Let’s see if we can see more of what Bucky saw, by looking at things through his eyes.

For a moment, I want you to look at the universe, in whatever shape you perceive it, as though it were a giant cocoon.  You are the caterpillar inside the cocoon, surrounded by stuff that we refer to as energy.  Energy is everywhere and in everything.  “Energy flows to the line of least resistance.  Energy always flows” (Where have you heard that before?).  Just like the goop inside the cocoon lies there until the developing butterfly needs it for it’s nourishment and growth, so does the energy in everything around us exist for our growth and development.  You may not believe this immediately.  Perhaps your experience has been one of scarcity.  Bucky taught that we are all cosmic Billionaires.  If he was right, and if I can’t see 99.9% of reality, I want to see more and learn how to tap into that wealth.  How about you? With that in mind, consider the following elements of the unseen universe:


1.      Every particle of the Universe we live in consists of energy.  Even that which we refer to as "Outer Space" and   think of as empty, is chocked full of pure energy, which lies seemingly dormant until we act upon it, calling it into our service and support.

2.      All energy exists in a vast reservoir, for the purpose of being acted upon and brought into the service of we humans through our thoughts.  "As a man thinketh, so is he."

3.      We are what we think about.  Conscious or not, each thought we think is also a form of energy in motion and acts upon the particles that saturate the energy cocoon we call "Universe."  Each thought becomes clothed in matter, manifesting our every desire, exactly as we think and feel.  Toxic thoughts equal a toxic, painful life.  Healthy thoughts equal a healthy, happy life.

4.      As we come to understand the reality and validity of these principles, and as we take individual accountability for our results in universe, we become the creators of our own destinies.  We have, and always have had the power to create whatever life we desire.

5.      It seems the tricky part is learning to trust that what we can't see with our human eyes is more real, more powerful and more reliable than any of the stuff that we can see and touch.  Substance is only thought that has already taken form in matter.  The reality isn't the stuff we see and perceive as solid and real.  The actual reality is the endless power that resides in every particle of the universe all around us, just waiting to be set into creative motion by our choices.  Conscious or not, we create whatever scenarios we choose to manifest through our individual volition, for our learning and experience.

6.      “The universe is constantly saying yes to us.  It only says yes.  It is our task to discover what within us it is saying yes to.” – Lenedra Carroll, from her book “The Architecture of All Abundance.”


So, if what we think and feel ultimately becomes clothed in matter, regardless whether our thoughts are positive, negative, or a confusing mix of both, can you see how important it is that we become conscious of what we are thinking and feeling?  It is critical that we begin to govern the content of the energy beacon we send out into this causal universe.  Many metaphysical masters call this conscious monitoring of our energy beacon “Intention.”  The clearer our intention, the faster and more accurately our thoughts and desires are manifested in the material world.

It may shock you how quickly your thoughts are manifested, once you begin to live in conscious intention.  In truth, the speed of manifestation is influenced both by the clarity and purity of the beacon you are broadcasting to the universe and by years of preparations you have already made for this moment.  Imagine how much you have evolved since your birth, how much you have learned and how much you have grown.  Like the beautiful butterfly struggling to free itself from the bondage of the chrysalis, you, too, have the potential to break out of restrictive thought patterns and fly to new heights never dreamed of by the caterpillar, by mastering the art of clear and conscious intention.

When the energy shifts and begins to carry us along in its flow with relative ease toward our intensions, we tend to say that providence has smiled on us.  And indeed, it has.  But, the truth is, it smiled on us long ago when it endowed us with an enormous and unlimited reservoir of beautiful causal energy with which to create any life we desire.  You know, Bucky may have been right.  Maybe we are already cosmic billionaires, just now learning the nature and source of our true wealth.

If this information is meaningful to you, tell John.  Maybe he’ll invite me back to share some more!  Until then, what will you do with the universal energy wealth that you have inherited?  What will your clear intention be?  I can’t wait to see your results!

-R. Walter Struggledork


From Chiwi Struggledork……SLOW DOWN TO SPEED UP:


ARRANGEMENT: something made by arranging parts or things together (1)

CONDITIONED REFLEXIVE RESPONSE: a response that is transferred from the second to the first of a pair of stimuli. A well known Pavlovian example is salivation of a dog when it hears a bell ring, because food has always been presented when the bell has been rung previously.(2)

DIRECTIVE: serving to point direction; specifically(3)

PREDICTIVE: To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.(4)




“Slow down to speed up”……This is what John said to Ms A Dorkette after she had calmed down from her tantrum. It was a comical scene which had unfolded. After all this happened, John and I  had to travel for a few weeks and left Ms Dorkette to manage her business on her own. Initially after we left her, she was starting to make some progress and move towards her desired ARRANGEMENT. We had shown her a few things and her general response was, “I know”.

What I have observed from people when they say, “I know” is that this is a CONDITIONED REFLEXIVE response.

What is really going on in their mind is, “I don’t know”. Worse still is what the expression “I know” is doing… it is filling the space with bluff. By doing so, it inhibits your learning. This is why WORDS (mans first industrial tool) are so important. How we craft our WORDS shapes our MIND-SPACE. Therefore, to become a master WORDSMITH, we must be conscious of the WORDS we use and how we apply them as opposed to responding with CONDITIONED REFLEXES.

If you want to learn from an episode, the better approach is “dare to be NAÏVE”. (This was Bucky’s response in an interview when asked how he could be so humble even after achieving so much greatness).

Therefore, humility is a characteristic that we should be conscious of. Useful questions that will increase your awareness could be: “What is it that I must learn?” and “How can this support me in creating my desired goal?”

So Ms Dorkette really didn’t take onboard the advice given. We got her to the point where she was present enough to be aware of the scenario, which is a reflective state. We then created SPACE by being DIRECTIVE in the WORDS we use so Ms Dorkette could visualise the brightness of future. If she can then apply the lesson, be present and aware, and gain some experience, the accumulation of the experiences will increase her knowledge. Ultimately, this will create wisdom through comprehension of the scenario. You can take this new-found wisdom and REFRACT it out into the direction of your desired ARRANGEMENT and thus create more SPACE and a PREDICTIVE future.

That’s the theory!! What actually happened was Ms Dorkette reverted back to her former habits. This is normal, as we are creatures of habit and it takes about 3 weeks of DEDICATION, AWARENESS and PRESENCE to form a new habit. The overall effect of Ms Dorkette reverting to her old habits was that production pulled IN, resulting in upset feedback from the market because of poor service delivery standards. This created STRESS for Ms Dorkette, as the stress is COMPRESSING IN on her space. To compound this, the poor delivery means less revenue coming back into the company. Less revenue means an inability to service outgoings. This gets to the point where she is running around like a one-armed wall-paperer – in constant motion yet getting very little effective production done.

It’s exhausting just being in the presence of someone in this state. Their energy is frenetic and randomly radiating OUT omnidirectionally.

The solution is FOCUS….. get Ms Dorkette to be present and aware of the situation. Speeding up and trying to make more sales at this stage will not help; it will only compound the problem. This is where the SLOW DOWN kicks in. FOCUS is:








The concentration of energy into production to clear all deliverables is the first priority. Once all the back-orders are filled, systems and processes have to be implemented so accurate time-lines on deliverables can be communicated.

Whilst it is a detailed and methodical process, it is vitally necessary. When this has been implemented, then and only then is it prudent to ramp up the business, with the intention of always doing more with less.

Therefore, there will be times when you must slow down to speed up in order to focus your energy on productive outcomes.








From Judy Struggledork…. The End!


Thanks again R. Walter and Chiwi…. Maybe if I slowed down to speed up, the providence all around me will become more apparent….. What do you think about that? Please post us one of your experiences of what happened to you when you slowed down to speed up! Thanks….. until John’s input next week…. Over and out.

