Book 2, Lesson 35

Business Sales


lesson 35business wealth


The Twisting and Turning Tangling and Untangling creating the Wealth of a Business any has a minimum of 6 Elements

sp bullet point   Accounting

sp bullet point   Agreements

sp bullet point   Education

sp bullet point   Branding

sp bullet point   Marketing

sp bullet point   Sales


All 6 elements have working parameters that are true in all Elements.




Parameters: (= framework, limits) constant or variable term in a function that determines the specific form of the function - Negative + Positive

Now comes the Complexities of Business

Everything Starts at 1 and Divides “WE” Divide To Multiply

“-Like it or not Humans are Always Learning Something+”

That is our HUMAN Design!_!




Until Next week JDS OUT !_!

jd struggledork

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