Book 2, Lesson 44

The Dots of Business Forged In the

Fires of Sammath Naur


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The Sammath Naur ("Chambers of Fire"), made by Sauron in the Second Age, is a structure located deep within the mountain's molten core. It was here that Sauron forged the One Ring during the Second Age.  From Lord of the Rings



Last week, I spoke about the chicken and the Egg and I made the point that there is no debate….. it is always the “Egg of Space First” and the Chicken’s Energy Second”. I’m always left in amazed- disappointment when I speak to friends and colleges when they will tell me the Why of something and how it will not work. The why of how something will work is just as easy to articulate and do as the why not. It is a state of mind. For the record, the mind never sets. It a GOD design and is a relationship between Human Brain/Mind=1. Humans can get into a habit of behaviour which is more of a Brain set and the mind is a relationship integrator that will lead humans to a new Mind Space of integrated relationships. It is a matter of Connecting the DOTS and Arranging DOTS to suit the new Human Future Circumstance.

New Idea = New Space

Is the Magic of Humans in Universe.

New Idea is a Break-Through Space Relationship (Mind).

New Idea Break-Out is an Energy distribution Event (Human Brain).

Time is the great calibrator between New Idea “-Break-Through+” and New Idea “-Break-Out+”!-!           

Or the LAG Between…the Space of an Idea and the New Arranged Human Realties and Habitual-Behaviours.

My disappointment always comes from this single point. Humans really are tuners tuning IN and OUT of Omni-Circumstances (Between and Around) and can chose where to spend their time and Energies.

“Can” or “Cannot” is a matter of the human conversation with themselves!




My disappointment is always what the Humans tell themselves usually “what they cannot do”. If your mind can perceive it, the “it” is now probable, making it possible with a Focus over Time.  

It is a matter of a human tuning “IN or OUT”. Hu-Person Universe Choices are

Always Between and Around the Hu-People.

The word “Human” has always left me cold. It refers to a man’s world. It is under-informative. With a world of males and females, I think “Hu-People” is a more inclusive semantic.

HU: Is a vessel of Mind-Body, Male or Female, Positive or Negative Universe Realities

People: a collective of beings Female-Male a species, in our case “Homo-Sapiens”

I can already hear the screams; “Hu-people…. how stupid is that!-!?”

Yet I listen, read and watch as Human destroy themselves all over planet earth. Female or Males, we are Tuning Devices and have choices of what matters to each of us.

Time to Break-Through old thinking/acting Patterns and Break-Out into the thought of “The Omni-Family of Hu-People roaming Planet earth with the single intent of abundance for All”……. instead of “Destructive might is right of the Humans”. As R.B. Fuller would say, we are Omni-aboard Space ship earth.

All humans have been forged into who they are today by their experiences of the past. The past brings reflections and at some level, Awareness and Presence that allows for change to something else.

With thousands of years of experiences, can we as Hu-People now refract (new ideas) into

Abundant Empathic Beings?

From my past, I have had 3 major Life-Influences to make ME who I am today. All have been part of my forge of Sammath Naur.

1.       My family has always been the most important element of my life. Growing up in a poorer family environment money wise taught me to dream of having more money. The more important life lesson was “family first”, no matter what you have. I have a responsibility and I am accountable to my family, without reservation. Money is not as important as Family Welfare. What this means is that I must create a safe, health, Vibrant, and Affluent Lifestyle for my family. Here is the important thought that was always the unwritten and expected by my mother………… Not at the costs of other families.  In other words, there is plenty for everyone.

2.       Victor Webb was my first real mentor…. My Mother always said, “Think for yourself”….. Old Vic taught me how to think.

When I met Vic, he was in his late eighties, looking to educate someone to think. I was very lucky it was me.

Vic was my grandfather-in-law and saw a boy marrying his grand-daughter who didn’t know Shit from Clay.  He was right…. I was more full of Shit than anything.


Plenty of life force everyday……. No real direction.


Vic employed me to work on his farm and then set about teaching me how to think by managing the farm. The farm had cattle, pigs, and sheep, grew seed crops and all were part of the Business of Farming.  

Vic taught me that you take care of your products, always be your best and that when you sell, there must be a profit on every transaction. That is great business…….Vic would say

You can never go broke making a Profit

He would then say

Small Fish are Always the Sweetest

= Vic’s way of saying, “Don’t be greedy”

The next lesson from Vic was simple….. “You must know the future by seeing what you want to create today”. Vic taught me to think in pictures, not just a plan of words. Vic would say anyone can write a plan of words and allow for high tolerance of error. I can hear Vic demanding that I was accurate to tolerances of half a percentage point. Vic thought it was buffoonery to write a plan and forget….. as he would Say…..

“You forgot to design the shit house door”.

John…. all shit houses need doors. Don’t you see that?

Vic taught me to see in complete whole pictures and then use the imperfection of words and numbers communications to convey my thoughts. Always looking at the Whole Picture…First!

One of my first break-throughs in thinking was when Vic asked me to calculate the amount of diesel fuel the farms would use in a year, with a tolerance of half of a percent.

It took 5 years of Vic’s Coaching and Mentoring to achieve the thought of diesel fuel usage on the farms. I can say with pride and satisfaction that I achieved the thought. From that moment, I could see, plan, and do from whole pictures of thought.  When Vic passed away, it was a huge moment of hollowness for me. I missed then and I still do 30 years later Vic, my life mentor.

3.       My third and hardest mentor is Robert Kiyosaki. When Vic died, I left the world of farming. Whilst I loved farming, it was never my real genius. Farming was more of a life lesson for me. Business and more exacting, family business, is my real life genius. When I met Robert K, I was at a break-through in my life’s journey, looking to Break-Out into a new world of possibilities. I met Robert before he wrote the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. In fact, before he wrote the book, “If you want to Rich and happy, don’t go to School”.  I was at the launch of Robert’s first book in Hawaii. The first book really appealed to me…(Probably because I didn’t go to school and I was and have always been a happy soul….. Maybe dissatisfied with my purpose in life). 

My paradox of Life: Happy……AND Dissatisfied!

I wanted to know the “Rich” part of Roberts’s first book. I made a decision from that moment when I studied with Robert the first time that I wanted to understand his thinking. Vic had taught me to be patient and make sure I saw the whole picture. I really studied with Robert for 20 years. I even lived with Robert for a brief time (6 months).

I learned 3 fundamentals of Robert and Robert’s thinking.

1.    "Mass Adult Education"…Today, I employ this thinking in Vic's-inspired thinking in Pictures/Symbols:








I can already hear Robert yelling at me; “You’re too complicated…. make it simple…. you’re down right stupid”. I spent 20 years being told I was stupid in my complexities.I never really understood Robert and his ranting’s about how stupid I was. I have a strong belief in myself to sooner or later work it. Robert’s ranting’s were always priceless lessons to me. I thank Robert for absolute unreasonableness in his teaching.    



I learned to be a better communicator in front of large groups from Robert’s lessons.

2.       “Profit is made when you Buy” was my second lesson from Robert and served me well in my design of business thinking for 20 years. Unfortunately, it is out of date in a fast-moving, over-supplied world.  

















Yes, you can hear a separation between my mentor and my thinking. Whilst I learned from Robert that you must add value (and clearly, Robert is a master of adding Value), I had a fork in the road and have chosen not to enter the world of Unfair Advantage. I believe you create an advantage by adding Value and there is nothing unfair of market advantage. Heretic of “Rich Dad”? Never……. Just a difference of opinions.

3.       “Assets put Money in your pocket” is lesson 3 from Robert K.   This one is very dangerous and insidious. I have always thought that this lesson not to my liking. I have watched for years whilst Roberts’s students would scream of their success, only years later to fall in a heap of incompetent ability to manage debt. Assets do put money in your pocket… simple and true. The other side of money is “margin” = money left-over after costs to show a profit.

In my mind, the statement  “Assets Put money in your pocket” is way too simple, to the point of danger for anybody who leads with the simplicities of the thought.  I think it to be “simply stupid” and leads to complicated soul-destroying understandings of future wealth.





In finishing on my mentor Robert K, he taught me a lot and I will always be in debt to Robert K. My mother really was screaming at me when I started working with Robert that she thought I gave away my business thinking.

I do not believe Robert took away from me. Quite the opposite…. I believe that Robert K, in his own way, supported me to my acceptance of my Business thoughts.

It was my life mentor, Vic Webb, who gets the last word. Vic said, “Always see your future before you plan anything”. It took 20 me years to understand my Picture of business….. And 

Yes…. I have a load of pride and humility for my journey.

I appreciate Omni MY Journey of Struggles ….. I present as a Global Dork……

Tempered In Furnaces of Mordor Fires of Sammath Naur 


I am a Case-Hardened Business Guy Connecting the D.O.T.S.  

Until Next week



jd struggledork


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