Book 2, Lesson 46




The Elephant and the Mosquito


“It Is Not The Big That Eats The Small. It Is The Fast That Eats The Slow”


“Can Mosquitoes Bring Down Elephants?”



My second mentor, Robert K, taught me one of life’s most important lessons…….

Context before Content

Or Environment is always more Important than Information!-!

Robert was never a person to mince his words when making a point. In fact, he was outright direct and to the point.

Brutally Honest from His Point of View.

That is why I took the time to study with Robert K.

Robert watched Trends and Became a Trend Setter


When I first met Robert, he was a Mosquito on an Elephant’s Ass, working out how to get into the blood flow of the market.

As history shows, he became an Elephant in his own Environment of Adult Financial Education.

Robert has sold millions of books, travelled the world spreading the message, and became and is a world class Educator in his Environment.

Judy and I have spent Energy, Time, and Money in huge amounts studying. Neither of us regret any of it!

I want share one of my biggest lessons from Robert.

I would say Robert’s greatest strength is his ability to spot trends in the Global market place and his deep understanding of Adult Education.  In short, Robert understands Complex relationships.

                                                  The Illusion and Perception


The first Time I met Robert, he spoke about R.B. Fuller and his beliefs of Global Education by using Screen viewing by the masses globally. In Fuller’s idea, the best Educators would be the front line Educators to anywhere on the Planet using viewing screen technologies. Robert spoke about that in 1989…. Fuller put it forward in the early 1960’s and it is becoming a reality today.

Fast-Forward Into the 21First century and you have that as a very real happening.

At the time I agreed to move to Phoenix, Rich Dad Poor Dad built a T.V. studio to broadcast to their world of very devoted followers.

The Best of Times and the Worst of Times.

Best because I got to work with a genius first hand and Experience new Thinking at it’s

Good-Bad-Ugly- and at Times, Greatness.

Worst because of my willingness to learn….. I was on the line for anything and everything.

Meaning when it went wrong, it was my stupidity. And when it all went to plan!!!!

Well of course, that was the Rich Dad Team.

Believe or not, Robert very seldom lives in the now! His Mind relationships to see futures and trends that are years in front is second to nobody I know.

In other words, the details of any happening are always left to someone else.

I learnt a lot from my experiences working and living with Robert K.

Here is my Experience around T.V. (the Elephant at the Time) and the Mosquito (the Internet):

I was taught that Visual Broadcast broke down into 4 levels of Quality:

1.       Feature Movies

2.       Network Television

3.       Local Television

4.       Internet Broadcasts

Each of the viewing mediums has their own set of:

     I.            Quality requirements

   II.            Standards to guide them

III.            Rules, Codes, and regulations

 IV.            Management and enforcements

All this really means is variable costs and expenses….. The higher the quality, the more costly and expensive the production.

Rich Dad contracted the highest quality with the best standards available.

Enter a Network Producer/Director for all RD viewing Productions!

Sounded great at the Time and was a blast to be around. Biggest problem? Wrong place and changing times.

= A very long and costly exercise. Here is a short list of problems:

o    The environments of network broadcast and Internet production are light years apart

o    At the time, technologies didn’t match ideas

o    Professional Broadcasting Standards were at odds with Maverick Internet Production

o    Total  lack of real focused direction. There was an idea from the future brought back to the now that really needed better leadership at all levels.

o    Lack of confront of the real production, dividing the success of the idea “Global Viewing Education Programs”

Fast forward to the new now. The Mosquitos’ bite has gotten into the blood stream of the Elephant and is slowing down the Elephant.  

Today, even the biggest Networks use low cost Internet feeds, local unpaid boggers, unedited pictures, and video phones to stream local events.

In a business world, it is driving speed to market, Margins Inwards, pushing Business Profits to near zero, and reducing the Quality and standards of the old network broadcasting.

Even saleable movies are having to compete with the Internet Mavericks (or is that the Internet main Streamers).

In today’s market, there are smaller video production studios building web-sites and linking products online in the now Global Market place.

Robert was on the right trends in 1989 or earlier……..     

The world is moving at a speed that could be overwhelming.

At times, it may be easier to slow down to determine your Created Future Rather than

Racing to a train wreck…

Thank You Robert K for all your lessons… Time to apply


jd struggledork

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