Book 2, Lesson 47



The Elephant and the Mosquito – Reviewed


Last week I, wrote about the about an Elephant and a Mosquito as a Metaphor for the business world.  As an example, Elephants and Mosquitos means a lot to me and I was asked for my meaning.  I declare up front ……I’m an Entrepreneur more than a Business Person.



47.2Entrepreneurs are always mosquitos because they take the risk of creating everything from nothing because it is already there. Meaning that to be an Entrepreneur, we are always looking to Create Flow in the Marketplace.

Entrepreneurs are Risk Takers and Market Innovators.


47.3   Business owners and Corporations really only vary in size and management rules and styles.

Business Owners manage to a profit and are always looking at Flow rates of Energy, Time and Money.

Corporations manage by governance because of size and are always looking to create shareholder value or Capital Wealth as their FOCUS.


I add in the third animal…. the OSTRICH


47.4 The metaphor of the ostrich is another way of saying there is an avoidance of circumstance, events and happenings going on. I would say that there is a lack of Presence leading to Avoidance. The real gift to all people is that there are Choices that can be made in every Circumstance, Event or Happening. It now becomes down to how AWARE/PRESENT am I and what CHOICE did I make? It will not matter Right or Wrong, Good or Bad, Negative or Positive…. they are all the same. Each will become a Source of Feedback and Omni-Co-Exist, Like it or Not.  


The Elephant is always the big that is there already… It is the invisible, so big that you don't see it. The Mosquito is always the small changes that get into the exchange flows (Energy and Space measured by time and validated by materials/matters-profit/money leftover).


The Elephant could be the sub-conscious and the Mosquito could be the gathering in the consciousness beginning to be arranged into an Elephant.  Either way, the Elephant or the Mosquito's relationship is invisible until the Mosquito hits critical mass. Then you get the question…. What happened? In a world of dim AWARENESS and even less PRESENCE … That is too big a question to start with. It takes a Directive Awareness to…. lead…


What happened!-!


Once feedback loops start, it takes LEADING Presence to get out of the way of group discovery and the New Realities.

Each individual as part of the New Reality is only ever talking to themselves.

Until Individual’s language changes by their agreement, there is no Critical Mass.



In last week’s lesson, there are several examples of the Elephant and the Mosquito. Robert starts as a Mosquito and Rich Dad becomes the Elephant by getting into the flow by using Financial Education as the Mosquito.


The movies and Network T.V. are the Elephants and the Internet is the Mosquito.


The very nature of change is hat change requires there to be something there already…….. And change requires Flow to get into movement for it to become something else. 


That is why that to create change in today's world, you must know your N.P.P.(Net-Present-Position).  That is always the Elephant in the room…….. Success today does not mean you will be successful tomorrow.


In a fast moving world of business and decreasing margins…… success could well lead to failure or even accelerated failure.


The Mosquito (or flow) and exchanges must be understood.  

That is why Created Futures are about the NOW! Or the Vitalities and Actions of NOW, as it will relate to the Arrangement of Futures over TIME.


 In your own Business Mind:

1.      Who are the Elephants? and ;

2.      Who are the Mosquitos?


In the end, that's the only thing that will matter to each YOU.


Or YOU can play the Ostrich and stick your head in the sand and be a Victim of

Your Circumstance, Events or Happenings!-!












Communication is the Key to Wealth….. the ability to USE WORDS, NUMBERS, and SYMBOLS that will leave a message that endures the ages.

1.      How Focused is your Message?

2.      Will it ENDURE the Ages?



 Time Measurements will tell!-!




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