Book 3, Lesson 4


Thinking-G20 and doing Business in a

Ridiculous Global Money Economy




“You are right John. Your lesson is Ridiculous. How can the G20 leaders conference matter to the Struggledorks?”

The leaders of the G20 are meeting to make the Planet a better place for Omni-Biosphere and as luck would have it, the conference is in my home town. I’m watching on my T.V. and asking myself…

Who are the ANIMALS? And What is the ZOO?

The centre of the city is has been caged off to protect. I can’t work out who or what is being protected. I’m certain I’m not the one who needs to worry, so I’m sure that the animals who are being caged are G20 leaders. I get to see the beasts without being bitten and I need not fear their roar…..even though they brought all their guns and trappings of war. Thank You to the Australian government for caging these beasts IN to protect me and allow me to watch them from my home.



I get to watch whilst people get to fear people, over-usage of Omni-resources, and the best of all, these beasts will make decisions that will affect my businesses for years to come. Not to mention the bills that will paid by

Omni-Biospheres-Omni-Government-Omni Money Exchange Market-Place Omni-Corporation-


In short, Every-being, Every-thing and Every Some-thing will be affected by the G20 meeting.

This is where the thinking comes IN.

I have trained myself to Think…. start Macro, act Micro.

Omni: means “All”- as in All:

·         Biospheres: the whole area of Earth's surface, atmosphere, and sea that is inhabited by living things

·         Government: a group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws for a country, state, city, municipality

·         Market place:  a gathering in a public place for buying and selling exchanging for Money


·         Corporation: performs many of the functions of private business, governments, educational bodies

·         Business: organization that buys and sells goods, makes products, or provides services for Money Exchange

·         Community: a group of people who live in the same area, or the area in which they live

·         HUBEING: Non-gender, Non-race, Non-country Homo-Sapiens 


Okay…. let’s look at the thinking model:

1.       Biosphere is Macro-Government is Micro

2.       Government is Macro-Money Marketplace is Micro

3.       Money Marketplace is Macro-Corporation is Micro

4.       Corporation is Macro-Business is Micro

5.       Business is Macro-Community is Micro

6.       Community is Macro-HUBEING is Micro

Or Biosphere Macro-HUBEING Micro. HUBEINGS did not design the Biosphere and are not in charge.

Omni above are subjective thoughts created in the Brain Mind connection of a HUBEING, namely JSD.    


jd struggledork


Each level above will create different levels of thinking, created by the subjective realities of each HUBEING and will be driven by Circumstance, events and happenings or the case of each individual HUBEING. That is the miracle of each HUBEING and is a gift to Omni from Omni.

Okay….. down to the graph at the beginning of this lesson. The Bank debt is growing 30 times faster than the GDP.


Side bar: GDP is a measure of 'value added' rather than sales; it adds each firm's value added (the value of its output minus the value of goods that are used up in producing it). For example, a firm buys steel and adds value to it by producing a car; double counting would occur if GDP added together the value of the steel and the value of the car. Because it is based on value added, GDP also increases when an enterprise reduces its use of materials or other resources ('intermediate consumption') to produce the same output. The more familiar use of GDP estimates is to calculate the growth of the economy from year to year (and recently from quarter to quarter). The pattern of GDP growth is held to indicate the success or failure of economic policy and to determine whether an economy is 'in recession'. From Wikipedia


Why is it important to understand the idea that bank debt is 30 times greater than GDP?

It is a question of “value added” to a transaction, by the intervention of the banks in a value chain. The pricing of goods worldwide increased simply by the idea of money making money. I want to be clear….. banks can and do add value to the world economy and each and every subordinate economy. My question is really…. do banks add a viable, sustainable and ultimately a renewable value to the Global economy?

I would say absolutely not….. Banks in their current form are the black beards of the Global economy. I would go so far as to say pirates are the gentlemen and Bankers have become liars and cheats, the rat rodents spreading the money,  making money disease.



B3.L4.03An illegal shell game in Drottninggatan, a street in Stockholm.

In the shell game, three or more identical containers (which may be cups, shells, bottle caps or anything else) are placed face down on a surface. A small ball is placed beneath one of these containers so that it cannot be seen and they are then shuffled by the operator in plain view. One or more players are invited to bet on which container holds the ball – typically the operator offers to double the player's stake if they guess correctly. Where the game is played honestly, the operator can win if he shuffles the containers in a way which the player cannot follow.

In practice however, the shell game is notorious for its use by confidence tricksters who will typically rig the game using sleight of hand to move or hide the ball during play and replace it as required. Fraudulent shell games are also known for the use of psychological tricks to convince potential players of the legitimacy of the game – for example by using shills or by allowing a player to win a few times before beginning the scam.

As the game is almost always played dishonestly, it is typically regarded as a confidence trick and not as a legitimate game. There are, however, online examples of honest shell games due to the skill involved in visually tracking the movements of the containers. From Wikipedia


Let me explain….. You be your own judge in this matter.     

Last week, Judy was paying an account to a Singapore supplier. The account was one of our Australian company for goods which had been purchased from a manufacturing company in Germany.  To be clear the company in Germany was 1 of 2 companies in the world that makes the product. Our company supplies the product to a customer in Australia.

Okay let look at the money involved in the transaction and see if we can pick the shell game.

1.       Australian dollars todays bank rate is .87 against USD

2.       Singapore Dollars 1.14 against the Australian dollar

3.       Euro (for Germany) is now .70 against the Australian dollar

4.       Enter the USA dollar?-or is the Petrol Dollar? or is that the Bank Dollar?


So am I…. !-!

Judy phones the bank foreign exchange department (appropriately name…. totally foreign to anything I understand)  to get a price to transfer Australian dollars to pay an account in Singapore in Euros.

Account amount 32,000 Euros or $45,714.29 Australian dollars. Add 3 % handing Times1.03=$1 371.42

Total account or money Owed to pay the account in AUD = $ 47 085.71. Expensive  yet value you added.

It’s simple John. Look-up the Euro exchange rate.  .70 against Australian dollars for each Euro, pay a fee for the banks to add Value of handling the transfer. Bob’s your Uncle and Millie’s your aunt….  job’s done.


“STOP the PRESS John”  Judy cries!.!

I get it Judy….. you don’t like giving the banks the $ 1 371.42 margin for handling the money for a few seconds.

After all, they have staff to employ and bills to pay….They are entitled to make a profit.

Judy: “Oh John….. you are a simple idiot and out right stupid”.

John: “Oh Judy, why don’t you tell me the truth?”….thinking Judy was a bit harsh calling me Stupid. 

Judy: “Seeing how you asked, here goes”.

In the first place, we do not pay the account in Euros ……..We pay the account in Australian dollars which is converted to USA dollars then converted to Euros.

What you described is simple and not true. You live in a fool’s paradise when it comes to money exchange and become an idiot when you spread the thought.

Explain to me the process so I’m not an idiot.

Judy’s steps:

1.       I get a price quote from the bank that exchanges our money Australian dollars to US-dollars

                                                                  i.      In this case the quote was not .87 it was .82 AUD to USD

                                                                 ii.       Before I know how many USD I have to buy, I must know the difference between USD-and EURO……… oh so step 1 isn’t step 1. It is step 2.

Now the shell game begins.

1.       Convert the Euro account into USD …32 000.00 Euro on the day is

.80 Euro’s buys 1 USD…. I divide 32 000 by .80 and get USD S 40, 000. 

Judy: So John….. I pay in Euros by converting to USD. Our account is USD $40,000 USD to pay 32 000 Euros.

USD $40 000 is converted by understanding the USD to AUD exchange rate on the day you get in the paper. Your understanding of .87 from the newspaper or USD $ 40 000 converts to AUD $ 45 977.01.

The bank quote of USD $ 40 000 at .82 converts to AUD $ 48 780.49.

If it had been a straight transaction of AUD to Euro, the AUD amount would have been AUD $ 47 085.71.

So now a simple transaction made more complex and fast becomes AUD $ 48 780.49

Or Money making Money, no value added, yet an increase of 3.5 % goes onto the transaction.

Oh don’t forget…. there will be a fee for service at all ends of the transaction. Incoming and outgoing wire fees.

Confused? This is not the half of the deception of Bank Corporation and G-20 Governments.


And now when we add in the time and speed of currency conversion, it is nearly impossible to see the pea in the shell game.


G-20 leaders are the Lions and have big teeth and must be caged to be tamed. The real problem is we are unclear of the relationship of the Lions and the whip. We have the whip and the cage yet we still fear the bite of the lion so we holds the whip to beat ourselves. Above is the thought of R.B. Fuller.





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