Book 3, Lesson 9


720 Degrees Must Lead to Between-Ness of 1440 Degrees of Realities

“IN”-Quantum-Micro Between-ness b3.l8.01 “Out”+



Macro Universe Around-Ness 99.999 Invisible


Life and Universe that goes with it begins with two spheres: “YOU and ME” . . . and you are always Prior to me. I have just Become by My Awareness of You. R.B. Fuller




                              The simplest descriptions are those expressed by only one word.


The one word alone that describes the experience "LIFE" is "AWARENESS."


Awareness requires an Otherness of which the Observer can be AWARE.


The communication of Awareness is both

1.       Subjective and Objective, from

2.       Passive to Active, from

3.       Otherness to Self, from

4.       Self to Otherness.


Awareness = Self + Otherness Awareness = Observer + Observed


Unity is Plural @ A Minimum of 2

720 degrees=1




“-Precession-Omni-Bodies in Motion on Omni-bodies in Motion” The 90 degree resultant of Omni-Energy events in relationship to Omni-Circumstances and Happenings+”

R.B. Fuller


What Fuller was teaching that took me a long time to understand was….. Bodies in motion.

What is a body in motion?

Step 1 of understanding Fuller was always the hardest step.

Step 1: When thinking, I must start Macro or in the Invisible or Meta-Physical

Meta: “IN” Fuller’s thinking and my understanding of that thinking means


Physical: existing in the matter material world, rather than as an idea or notion, and able to be

Touched and Seen.

To add to the complexities of Fuller’s thinking, I have come to the realization that Quantum-Micro is the same as Macro-Invisible. In Both cases, 99.9999% Macro-Invisible and Quantum-Micro are in the realm of the invisible and are Meta-Physical.

So how do I apprehend the existences of these Invisible Bodies in Motion

It now becomes an aggregation:

·         Of 10 of thousands of years “IN-Time-Frame” Finite Gravity Events (pulling together) and

·         Billions of “OUT” HU-beings-Experiences Infinite-Possibilities- Radiation Energy Events (pushing away) and

·         The Quantum Micro 99.9999% Invisible bodies of Between-ness in combination with the

·         The Macro 99.9999% Invisible Finite Scenario Universe  





For ME:

·         To understand Fuller’s statement about what Precession is and

·         Have my understanding to pass on to “You” so together

·         We can pass to on Others


Together “WE” Evolve as HU-Beings to carry-out our purpose IN Scenario-UNIVERSE.

I think Fuller was saying in Essence “No You” means “No Me”. No YOU/ME means “No Otherness”.

Together with the 99.9999% Invisible “WE” Omni-Make-OUT to be 1 Scenario-Universe that Divides into ongoing Circumstances, Events, and Happenings, creating Feedback Loops (Trails of Quantum Micro particles) that are exhaust into Macro Universe’s (Space) Environment leaving footprints for Anti-Entropic Matter that could be created and repeated by the Awareness and Presence of a HU-Being.

It is all seemingly not related to business and money, yet we are all connected in a Biosphere that is being polluted at Omni-levels.

I have never met a business owner who does not understand that we all must work together to make the Biosphere liveable for Omni-beings (Energy Events).

On the other hand, Governments, Corporations, and Oligarchs seem hell-bent on bending the Biosphere to their mis-informed wills, saying, “We created the wealth of the world and we are in control”.  A thought for another week.

I’m reading Nassim Nicholas Taleb (author of “Black Swan” and “Anti-Fragile”) and he has a dream that I share in feeling and thought.

It’s this: he wants us to celebrate the restaurant owners, the taxi drivers, the market traders and carpenters and all the other risk-takers who put their skin in the game and who drive the economy for the rest of us.

Indeed, if modern society is to progress, Taleb says we must honour the “ruined” risk-takers with as much respect as we do soldiers. Just as there is no such thing as a failed soldier – dead or alive, so there is no such thing as a failed entrepreneur.

I leave you with:



From “Anti-Fragile” by Taleb.



jd struggledork


PS: From Bertrand Russell’s: Inductivist Turkey


A turkey, in an American nurture, decide to shape its vision of the world scientifically.

The turkey found that, on his first morning at the turkey farm, he was fed at 9 a.m. Being a good inductivist turkey he did not jump to conclusions. He waited until he collected a large number of observations that he was fed at 9 a.m. and made these observations under a wide range of circumstances, on Wednesdays, on Thursdays, on cold days, on warm days. Each day he added another observation statement to his list. Finally he was satisfied that he had collected a number of observation statements to inductively infer that “I am always fed at 9 a.m.”.

However on the morning of Christmas Eve he was not fed but instead had his throat cut.

It doesn’t matter how many cases we list during our inductivist reasoning, nothing guarantees that the next case will lay in this inference we deducted from our observations, as the possible experiments and observations are infinite by number and type.

Moral of the story: You cannot always induce the truth from past experience!






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