Book 3, Lesson 14




ENTREPRENEUR: Entrepreneur Origin: 1875–80; < F: lit., one who undertakes (some task) usually with considerable initiative and risk.

Key: a risk taker

Entrepreneurs are risk takers.

What makes a good entrepreneur?


ANTIFRAGILITY BY LAYERS    This chapter is about error, evolution, and antifragility, with a hitch: it is largely about the errors of others— the antifragility of some comes necessarily at the expense of the fragility of others. In a system, the sacrifices of some units—fragile units, that is, or people —are often necessary for the well-being of other units or the whole. The fragility of every start-up is necessary for the economy to be antifragile, and that’s what makes, among other things, Entrepreneurship Work: the fragility of individual entrepreneurs and their necessarily high failure rate.

So some parts on the inside of a system may be required to be fragile in order to make the system antifragile as a result. Or the organism itself might be fragile, but the information encoded in the genes reproducing it will be antifragile. The point is not trivial, as it is behind the logic of evolution. This applies equally to entrepreneurs and individual scientific researchers. Alas, we tend to discuss mistakes without taking into consideration this layering and transfer of fragility.

                                         Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2012-11-27). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder


It seems to me that the highest risk to an Entrepreneur is the risk of self. This is because of the inordinate amount of mistakes that are made and the way an Entrepreneur is judged by the mistakes. As an Entrepreneur, I have always found experience far more important than some theory written by someone else. Only referring to a book and a step-by-step explanation on the how to do something, in my view, is the biggest mistake. I read, hear and talk to experts about how to be an Entrepreneur… experts who take few money exchange risks themselves. Doesn’t stop them from proceeding to tell me why I need their help to write a mission, vision, code or some other latest Harvard or Corporate trends to make the planet spin……In my mind, the only thing spinning is the trend.


My Definition of Entrepreneur: A person who creates everything from Nothing…… Because it is already there.



For me, an entrepreneur sees patterns of events, puts the patterns together and creates or discovers a way of doing a process better than it was done before and thus creates something else or a new pattern. They are usually creating a scale or economy that allows the process to done better, faster, cheaper or More-with-Less. This is not about money…..Money is the by the bi-product of the creation. It is about less Time, less Energy used, less Space taking and a better use of materials, so always creating greater value for the consumer of the idea.  It does not matter if it is physical or metaphysical. It must always come down to the deep fundamentals of universe.

“Space Energy Matter Time”


The first questions an Entrepreneur must ask:

A.      What is my Product and service? (It must be clearly defined).

B.      Who will pay me money for the Product or service?


And… the First principle I have discovered in Business design is that “Unity is Plural @ Minimum of 2”.

Business will not be successful without A+B=1


Who is going to pay for the risk that is being taken by the idea/enterprise that is being developed? What value will the creation add to what is already in an overcrowded marketplace?

Unfortunately, we Entrepreneurs are blinded by our own brilliance…. or as they say, “blinded by the light”.  All be it our own! And we forget to ask the question, “Who will pay?”

In our own minds, everyone will want to pay for it!!!! It is good…. No… it’s great!


Our bright lights are always a double-edged sword, upon which most ideas get caught or stuck. This may come as a surprise…. many of your friends or even family will help you turn out the lights. How many times have we thanked them for helping us to see that we really were delusional? It is not hard to find darkness in our thoughts and ideas when we have friends and family. That is the real risk to an Entrepreneur….. the risk of isolation, of thrown out to the wolves because we dare to believe. “We are Psychotic Optimistic” mistakes are of our lives and are part of the process of our creations. 


It has taking me years to come to terms with Dream Makers and Dream Breakers…. being the HU-Beings closest to ME. (In this matter, I’m very lucky Judy is a great partner in Dream Making).


(Note from Judy: I am a very good business manager. I manage the finance and administration of all of our businesses. On the flip-side, I doubt I have an entrepreneurial side to me anywhere. Nor do I want to. Risk scares me and I don’t like taking it. John thrives on taking risks. When John takes risks, I do what I can to manage/mitigate them. I do try my very best to support John in his entrepreneurial ventures. I know what he does will work and be successful. The only question for me is…. how much time/effort/energy do I/the family/others have to put in to see the venture to success? Do I really want that much stress and do I want to spend my time doing that? The answer is sometimes “no” and sometimes “yes”. A lot of the time,  I don’t know the answers for me, so I sure don’t know the answers for anybody else. I just thought I would write this for all the other back-up-crew/clean-up crew/managers who are either spouses/family members/staff of entrepreneurs. Without entrepreneurs, most things created by humans would slowly die, as there would be little growth or improvement….. humanity and what it has created would slowly grind to a halt and decay. Without managers, chaos would be everywhere and entrepreneurs would probably fry themselves and all of humanity along with them.

                Unity is plural, at minimum of 2.

In my opinion, successful ventures need both the entrepreneurial energy and the management energy to achieve their purpose. It’s not an easy combination, but it is a rewarding one.


Back to John….


After all: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? A poem by: by Marianne Williamson


The other edge of the sword is that we start to believe in our idea/our creation and ignore the masses of doom turning off the lights. We are not caught in between where most of the world lives. They live with “Do I?.. Don’t I?…… Should I?……Shouldn’t I?” and it goes on.


Entrepreneurs are caught IN our world of being Gorgeous, Talented, Fabulous, being all seeing that I’m a G.O.D.

(= Great Original Design = The Organic HU-BEING)


Enter the Entrepreneur, the risk taker. The first risk is not money. It is always about “In-Me/You=1 OUT to YOU”

Enter The Entrepreneur!–+!



I have always thought that making money was the easy part of business.


Creating and keeping money in circulation is a very different matter.


If I want to make money……….. Simply exchange something for money.



The most common exchanges for money are using energy measured by time and job-role as the calibrators of the money to be exchanged for the time.


For some reason we pay lawyers more than garbage-removing HU-Beings or bank managers more than school teachers.

There seems to be a way to work it out. I clearly don’t understand the method and accept there some methods to the job money exchange market.

On the other hand, creating money is a very different matter. I think that that complexities and the non-linearity of creating money is really always about doing ever more with ever less or EMEL.

Added Value is about being better in all aspects of a business. EMEL is not adding a chocolate bar to a sale.


It is important to get the parallel between Entrepreneurship and Business Design.

Entrepreneurs like Risk……. Business owners like forecasts and no Risk.


What are some of the things that are important to understand about EMEL?

1.      Being Disciplined and Focused to be the best at every level of the business


2.       Doing “More with Less”

·         Create Space that repeats

·         Use Less energy

·         Use Less material

Getting bigger and greater results is the way for everybody on the planet to live in abundant way.

3.      Calibrate all of the following:

-          Your Time

-          Words as leading calibrators

-          Numbers  as Lagging calibrators


4.      Understand the importance of the human design to be accurate information carriers.


I’ve seen in my life that there are HU-Being patterns ….things that repeat themselves and become habitual. It’s thoughts that I’ve derived from reading Fuller and then worked out by experience. I’ve worked out that there are habits in a human’s universe and patterns created by their habits. I think this was one of Fuller’s greatest lessons to me…. That there are patterns and to watch them… they will repeat.


Fuller always believed we need to have “Design Tools”.


I love the idea of Small Business Design Tools because I think that they are what is needed in and for small business. There are many design tools for the corporate world and government bodies… much of this is hard to apply to small business.

There are:

ü  Thought Design Tools that lead to

ü   Business Design Tools that will lead to

ü   “More With Less Outcomes”.

Design tools are really very important in Business….




How accurately can you understand what’s going on?


Now Design your thoughts that create a business process. Enter Design Tools.







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