Book 3, Lesson 16 – Part 2


Business – Part 2


Enter Design Tools of:


First Rule of Business:


You cannot have a business without a product or service and a customer to sell your product or service to. It amazes “ME” that this is often forgotten. I ask these 2 questions first and always. I see no point in designing any 


without asking for clear definitions of these 2 questions.





sp bullet point       “-A: What are the business’s Products or Services?. What are the business’s definitions of their Products and/or Services?


sp bullet point       B+”: Who are their Customers? What are the business’s definition of their Customer?

Quality Standards Rules Focus


All business works inside a marketplace that has to be Created, Held, then Driven to do this with an understanding that all Businesses are Unique and are made up of Circumstance, Events and Happenings. 

Holding and Driving Business:

·         Circumstances

·         Events

·         Happenings

Until the Business achieves their Vital Goals (short term feedback Outcomes), Creating long Term Goals (Arranged Future), the business must be

IN Exchange for FEES, EQUITY and CASH FLOW 




Quality-Standards-Rules-Compliance …….. are Driving Words

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.  From W. H. Murray,The Scottish Himalayan Expedition 


Business must set the…….. Priorities of Vital now:

Why           What          How           Where       Who           When

The priorities must have/stated:

·                     Time elements with a Sense of Urgency,

·                     Thinking elements, and; (definitions Ideas)

·                     What outcomes do we want? What do I want over Time?


Simple to think about, hard to implement. It takes commitment to the task at hand and takes actions to create a future of success.


The Process of building cohesion in a business begins with Expectations (OUT+), which are part of Business Systems Design (-IN).

“Focus must be on doing things at the Highest Qualities and Standards at every possible level” “–IN/OUT+”= Word Formula

“Quality Standards Rules Compliance IN/Affirmative, Constructive, Positive ActionsOUT =Word Drivers


It is crucial for a Business to build up a sense of trust by developing an Environment of “-Trustworthiness+”


The Environment (space) fostering Communication Channels of:

Collaborative-Cooperative-Distributive-Spontaneous Leadership =Word Drivers



CAUSE: the time an event or happening starts; the Vital goals of now: 1-7 days

CONVERSION: The vital now until there appears a small movement towards new pattern of change: 90days to 1 year Outcomes

EFFECT: Simple changes that lead to long term complex changes, moving towards materialized Outcomes by design: 1-2 years

ARRANGEMENT:  Invisible design holding the engrained habits that lead to materialised patterns of the new being: 5-10 years

Business is an Event over long time frames and cannot been seen as a game that is played in short term happenings. The Business Vital happenings of today always relate to the 1 year tax cycle, like it or not. In other words, a business is always aggregated into a tax cycle of accounting. The real wealth of a business is measured by 2 concepts:


1.       Profit. Then related to this is the measurement of tax that must be paid for the business to continue into the next year’s business cycle.

2.       Asset balance. What assets does the business have?


I make this point…. business involves family relationships. Where a business is a year-to-year commitment, my family is a life time commitment.  


This doesn’t get spoken about enough in business plans. People don’t understand that when you go into business – I don’t care what kind of business it is and I don’t care how developed the franchise concept is or the business concept is – you have still got to get to survival.


Survival is both your business survival and your personal survival. A lot of time people don’t realize there are those two things going on – if you are married/in a primary relationship, you have to make sure that you, your spouse and your relationship can survive and your family can survive, especially if you have children.


You’ve got to maintain where you live and a lifestyle. As you are maintaining that lifestyle, you’ve got to be able to go get your work developed, and you’ve also got to be able to do the things that are necessary for that business and your family.


In Business, you must understand that products/services and the customers who you sell to are important for profit. Profit is important for your family…. and your family is about lifestyle and abundance.








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