Book 3, Lesson 21





Secret #10 Life Isn’t about What You Know— it’s About Who You Are Society has adopted the mistaken belief that knowledge can solve all problems. We are led to believe that young schoolgirls become pregnant because they lack sex education or that criminals commit crimes because they don’t get a good education. The government mandates that the dangers of smoking be printed in great big letters on packs of cigarettes under the faulty notion that if people just knew the dangers of smoking, no one would smoke. When immoral doctors are charged with molesting patients, we bemoan the fact that they did not receive more continuing education courses on ethics, as if this would have prevented their evil deeds. This country has an obesity epidemic because of our failure to exercise and follow a healthy diet, but if you were to listen to the media or the Department of Health, you would think the problem is just that people don’t know any better, that they don’t know about nutrition and health. On the face of it, all of these assertions and assumptions are patently false. The dangers of smoking, overeating, and lack of exercise are well documented and understood by most. These are not failures of knowledge; they are failures of behaviour. They are moral failures. Even when we have perfect knowledge of the problems that we face, that knowledge does not relieve us of the problems without our own commitment to actions that can change our situations and ourselves. Knowledge alone is not the answer to anything. Knowledge will not make better choices for us. From “40 Business Secrets from the Bible”…. Daniel Lapin

Creating a New Future by Design

Monitor Omni Feedback Loops.

Decision Making 21 First Century:


1.      Future Arrangements 2. Short to Medium term Outcomes 3. Vital Actions Now 4: Feedback Loops

There is always SPACE, ENERGY, TIME and BETWEEN All DECISIONS that are made.

For the last 2 years, I have been teaching myself the ability to write my thoughts. This decision was part of my understanding of creating a new future for “ME”. I realise that Omni Universe is about Exchange Happenings and Feedback Loops. The great design of G.O.D. is this ENERGY Packet called HU-Being has the ability to TUNE IN-2 Events and Happenings and then Relate the Events and Happenings to their own Circumstances by Monitoring the Exchanges and Feedback Loops in their own Awareness/Presence. To be able to TUNE IN-2, the HU-Being has the ability to TUNE OUT of other Circumstance-Events-Happenings. The real magic of HU-Being design over millions of years (as far as HU-Beings understand) is our ability to communicate to each other.




From day 1 HU-Beings have been Gatherers of Events-Happening Experiences, then relating them to their own unique Circumstances. The paradox of Unique is the Sameness.


The puzzle of Life for “ME” is knowing that Design Is Generic and MY life is Specific to “ME”.

I have Choices that could be limited by MY Circumstance or I can Create opportunities INSIDE my Circumstances by Monitoring Feedback Loops of Events and Happenings and by choice make changes over TIME by directing my ENERGY to Different Created Futures (NEW SPACE).



The great calibrator of our lives is TIME. As a vibration of our own life, we can Monitor…..

                              Time / Timing / Sequence / Lag


sp bullet point                    Time: When did my life start? What was my Circumstance?

sp bullet point                    Timing: What was happening before “ME” Events and Happenings?

sp bullet point                    Sequence: Design DNA/RNA by G.O.D. Vital Now UP to “ME”

sp bullet point                    LAG: Space/Time Between Circumstances-Events-Happenings






Life according to “-ME and MY (YOU) Otherness+” Circumstances-Events-Happenings








Like it or not, Life is not a Simple Reality. It is the capability of each of US to deal with the complexities in Omni-Circumstances by the HU-Being Designed “IN” Choice and the ability to TUNE OUT OF.

The principle is simple: Unity is Plural @ a Minimum of 2 “-IN/OUT+”

The application is made Complex by: “-Between/Around+”

There are 4 directions in Universe (Space)   “-IN-OUT-BETWEEN-AROUND+”

             Complexity formula starts with space squared  

4²=16-4=12÷2=6 Is the minimum Thinking System to create new Futures.

Now the complexity begins…. Circumstance always starts at 4². That is squared by directions of Space, making a System 7.

In Systems Design, the mistake could be and usually is not factoring “IN” the idea that your Space is already there!-!

“IN” Creating Futures, the Space is already there!-! Ergo: System is always “IN”=7

Process is always OUT and Inside a Space Ergo Process OUT=4²

How do we get to 6 in Future Design?

Every Circumstance has a “–Negative/Positive+” Ergo -+ =2. That =1 Space Between

Every System/Process=1 by Complexities of G.O.D. and Includes



Complexities of Design are not complicated. They are made so by the Stupidity of K.I.S.S.

Universe is always Complex-Simple-Complex by G.O.Design.



Until next time,







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