Thinking matters. But many of the facts we think about are false. And much of what we believe is almost certainly stupid. Despite the floods of data, information and knowledge crashing over us today, a greater and greater percentage of what we know is, in fact, less and less true. And this, as we’ll see, would be the case even if we could believe the media, even if every advertiser were truthful, every lawyer honest, every politician sealed his lips, every adulterer confessed and every fast-talking telemarketer went straight.
If this is the case, how should individuals—or, for that matter, companies or countries—turn the deep fundamental of knowledge into wealth?
Some knowledge has always been needed to produce wealth. Hunter-gatherers had to know the migratory patterns of the animals they pursued. Peasants came to know a lot about soil. Normally, however, once learned the same knowledge remained useful generation after generation.
Factory workers had to know how to operate their machines quickly and safely for as long as they had the job. Today work-relevant knowledge changes so rapidly that more and more new knowledge has to be learned both on and off the job.
Learning becomes a continuous-flow process.
We can’t learn everything fast enough. And that helps explain why, if some of what we think is stupid, there’s no need to be embarrassed. We are not alone in believing stupidities. The reason is that every chunk of knowledge has a limited shelf life. At some point it becomes obsolete knowledge—what might more appropriately be called
Toffler, Alvin; Toffler, Heidi (2006-04-25). Revolutionary Wealth (p. 111).
Repeating Pattern of MY Life
MY? M=ME+Y+=YOU, together “WE” Create MY LIFE with Others
For ME and MY-Life, I think there are many in Environments that make up my Life.
As follows:
· MY family: MY immediate and extended family is the single most important environment in MY Life
· MY community: MY Business life of daily connections
· MY Country: MY Life of Governance; the rules that create the disciplines of MY Life/Business Life
· MY Biosphere: MY Life of Universal principles that I discover, without which MY Life can’t exist
It is always MY Relationship of ME+YOU+Others that =MY LIFE
Life is a Discovery of Relationships “-Between-What is Omni-Around+”
99.999% of Around is Invisible
.001 is made Visible by Discovery
Discovery is created by Experiences of MY Life’s
Opportunity is Omni-Around
How Aware/Present AM I of MY Different Environments of
What Decisions do I make about MY-Life?
Environments or Space is Always There
4 Stars of Repeat: Feel-StoredThoughts-Think-FeedbackLoops
4 stars of Calibration: TIME-Timing-Sequence-Lag
4 Stars of Decisions Making: Environment-Past-Present-Future
4 Stars of Change: Action-Reaction-Resultant-FeedbackLoops
The pressures of time, our ability to slice it into ever tinier, uneven units, the overwhelming power and speed of the electronic infrastructure, the unbundling of products, and the growing granularization of payments all point to the day when money flows no longer predictably peak on certain pre-set days—Friday nights, for example, or the fifteenth of the month. These interrelated shifts—acceleration, irregularization and continuous flow—are transforming the entire time-scape.
But even these changes are only part of a larger story as we replace industrial time with twenty-first-century time.
As we pointed out in Future Shock, these self-feeding alternatives will trigger many social consequences: a Faster Flow of Things, People, Places, Relationships and Information through our Corporate and Personal Lives. Throwaway products multiply—cameras today, telephones tomorrow. So do Throwaway Ideas, Business Models—and Personal Relationships. From Toffler, Alvin; Toffler, Heidi (2006-04-25). Revolutionary Wealth (p. 59).
What Toffler is saying to ME about TIME and Decision-making is….. slow down to speed-up or risk being stupid by Circumstances beyond my thinking.
For the last 3 years, Jason T and I have been studying thoughts of:
· Reflection-Refraction,
· Capacity-Capability,
· Flow-Wealth
and the Relationships Between the Dualities. What we are doing is really thinking about Intergenerational-Wealth and how could we design a future of wealth for our families?
For years , JT and I have been watching as HU-Beings (including ourselves) make money and get very focused about making that money. When the money arrives, the HU-Beings change the focus and the money seems to go somewhere else.
Remember 400-480,000-401? Iit really is not that hard to make money multiply from 1 to a thousand over a period of TIME.
1+1=2X2=4X4=16X16=256X256=65, 536.00 in numbers…..it is easy.
Add Time and Focus and it becomes a Process over Time
(According to A. Toffler, this will happen faster and faster in the coming decades.)
I once sat in a meeting with Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. Sharon (Robert and Sharon are the co-authors of Rich Dad Poor Dad) asked this question.
“Mr. Trump. If you were to give us the most important thought on Business ownership, what would it be?”
The answer surprised me, perhaps because I didn’t understand the importance of the reply. I didn’t forget the reply and over the next 6-7 years , I got the experience and the understanding of his reply.
Mr. Trump’s reply was simple:
At the time, I was riding high on my emotions of being very important.
After All, I was working with the Rich Dad brand and I was in D. Trump’s office as part of a joint venture book deal.
Could MY Life get any Better?
As the It Turns Out, Life Can Become Better
In MY case, not before it became worse and even Life-threatening. I got some hard life lessons, like being asked to leave the Rich Dad brand because my services were no longer required and I had some health issues.
Did I understand Mr. Trump’s reply about MOMENTUM?
I’m a very successful business owner with a great family who support ME. In realising the support of my family and that I have designed great systems/processes=1, life has become better.
But not before I lost MOMENTUM of MY LIFE and Our Family Business did I understand Mr. Trump’s above Thought.
When JT and I started the HCP (Human Capacity Project), I was emotionally drained from my life experiences with personal development programs and experiences. I have to say that my opinion is best kept to myself about these styles of HU-Being development.
It would be safe to say that Omni-experiences are important to who I am and what I have become.
My real question for each reader is….are there better ways to get to this point in MY LIFE?
This is where I would say that this is where the magic of HU-Being design begins.
I have been studying a psychology professor Daniel Kahneman. I am thinking about the following thoughts put forward by D Kahneman:
There are 2 Systems and Processes of thought:
1. Intuitive , Rapid, Associative, always evaluating the emotional significance of Circumstance, Happens, and Events of MY Family LIFE
2. Rules and Disciplines of perceived Rationality, governed by imposed action over Time and processes in MY Business Life
I practise both systems of thought. Neither is easy.
I dream of the day when Wealth is Intergenerational by Design and is totally an Unconscious Act, allowing for the least amount of effort and harm to any other Life-Being in the Earth’s Biosphere.
“Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer.”
Harriet Tubman
And Happens at 90 degrees