… Commnunication as a Design – Part 2:
The Detail
Communication is what makes HU-Beings Different from OMNI Energy Forces
IN the Planet Biosphere
Brain-Mind HU-Being Sensoral Connections
Focused-Attention is a Design Issue
HU-Beings have 2 thinking Systems/Processes=1 in the matter of Change and Evolution
Conscious and Subconscious
Conscious changes in the Vital Now
Subconscious Evolves over long Time Frames
Change in the Conscious Brain Mind is always Very Hot and Cooling Off is a HU-Being Experience of Universe Design. “-HOT to Cooling-off balance to match an Existing Environment+” .
In the Conscious System/Process=1, an Experience Is “-The Moment of Change+” from the Experience.
The change is FELT in a MOMENT, yet will not evolve in said moment!-! That is pure design.
The Subconscious Brain/Mind kicks in has and has an automated “-Systems/Processes+”=1 that Kicks in and returns to what was. Except it can’t return to the Exact What Was. The Experience alters the reflection in a minute way, creating a refraction of change, yet not an evolved event.
After All, there is an Integration Process that is already there and must be followed as a
“-Matter Universe Design !-!+”
You can’t EVOLVE because of 1 Experience.
That is just not G.O.D.
It takes both Meta-Physical and Physical Efforts and Disciplines IN Exchange and Distributed over
IT’s a G.O.D. Matter
Life’s Formula: Everything Starts at 1 and Divides
Each HU-Being is Unique as a Life Force Energy and lives a Life’s
Scenario of Choices of Circumstance-Events-Happenings
M+Y Life is full of Episodes of Choices
All matters Start Simple and get Complex by Relationships of Choice
All Change starts Simple and gets Complex by the Number of Relationships.
To Evolve, a Process starts Simple and must go to Complex. Evolution takes
Simple-Complex-Simple as a System/Process=1 and becomes
Automated in the Subconscious.
Real Value and Evolution
are created by the number of Relationships
that can be managed at the same time and Become a Subconscious “-System/Process+”=1.
Okay having typed all that out, I will now get into real trouble with the following thought. Over many years of study and experiences, I give to you the following JDS Thought.
You can’t be Taught Psychology.
You can Increase Awareness and Become Present with Psychology
Psychology must be Experienced in order to Evolve, as a Matter of Universe G.O. Design
The Design of a HU-Being is Flawed with a HALO of the thinking of Greater capability than may be there.
It is pure Psychology (characteristic temperament and associated behaviour of a person or group, or that exhibited by those engaged in an activity) that I’m the Greatest Sale Person (and of course I am!).
For the last 20 years of experiences and 10 years of studing Personal Development and how it relates to Business Development, I’m very clear in my thoughts and opinions.
I’m also very clear that most HU-Beings will not agree, as a matter of Pure HU-Being Design.
HU-Beings have a designed laziness and tend to take advice from Mass Media or Preceed Gurus without real Evidence. To get to my conclusion, it has taking a lot of Focused-Discipline, Intense Risk over long periods of Time, Hard Work, Isolation and most importantly, supported love from Judy. (I don’t believe there is self-made anything).
HU-Beings have the ability to take Actions and Reflect and Refract different points of view by resisting the
Fast Decisions and taking Risk By being Focused and ENGAGED in a
Vital Moment of Circumstance of Now.
Environment is Always Greater than Will.
I have been involved in some Pesonal Development Seminars that have, in the Vital “now”, produced results that have been nothing short of miracles. Ie: HU-Beings with great Capacity demonstrated in Mind-Boggling proportions. Yet I have have never, not ever, seen the miracles repeated outside the environment of any given Seminar. That has been my study over the last 10 years.
In saying that, the result are clearly possible. They Happened.
I measured and kept track of the miracle improvements to learn why they would happen in a seminar, yet not repeat with any real sustainable success outside the controlled environment of the seminar ?
In a very Biased way, I will tell you it is Omni Design and real sustainable success Requires
Engaged:Discplined-Feeling-Thoughts-Actions held together “IN”
Calibrated by Feedback Loops over Long Periods of TIME,
Knowing “No Right or Wrong, Good or Bad”,
Just Feedback of Negative/Positive Energy Forces=1.
Feedback is a Neutral Energy, allowing for Creative Choices,
Seemingly only Allowed for HU-Beings on
Planet Earth and the Earths-Biosphere.
Calibrations are measured by
Communications Inside a Given Space
Time-Timing-Sequence-Lag-Time BETWEEN
I want to be clear: “I love being an Entrepreneur”, creating Businesess by taking risks. Writing and thinking are just plain hard work for ME. Having said that, to be a great Entrepreneur, I must be able to Communicate at Omni levels.
My communications skills can be traced back to:
· Ann Bradbury, Anna Clay, my children and my grand child (their love and hate of me)
· Stephanie Burns, Blair Singer, Robert Kiyosaki (in their teaching of Me)
· Wayne, Manu, Rafael, Jason, Henry, Fred, Alfonso, John B (for being hard core studiers of Fuller)
· Vic Webb and my Mother (for demanding More than I would ever do to myself).
· And 10’s of thousands of people I have shared experiences with (No such thing as self made)
My strong belief is that anyone can be
Viable, Sustainable and Intergenerational
as a life force,
By Design and creating their own futures.
Tuning Initiative: the ability to Feel-Act-Judge-Decide from your own Unique Experiences
HU-Being Tuning is both AM and FM modulations
- Amplitude Modulation (AM): Breadth of range (size and volume), Measuring Movement
Elliptical movements defined by TIME and Feedback calibrated by feedback
- Frequency Modulation (FM): Happening often regular at short intervals (Tuning IN Tuning OUT) Pulse-Sphere
HU-Being Action is AM-Frequency
HU-Being Thinking is FM-Frequency
- Modulation of Signal and Noise: variations of tone, pitch ,volume, force, Speed, Density are determined by unique HU-Being Circumstance
Capacity is G.O.D. Great Original Design
Awareness-Presence-Experience-Feedback Determines Capabilities… JDS
Bucky Fuller – Synergetic Geometry Of Thought
The Conceptual Process is never static
Thinking does not consist of the insertion of invented images into an otherwise empty vacuum-tube chamber called Brain.
Thinking is the Self-Disciplined Process of preoccupied consideration of special-case sets of Feedback answers selected out of the Multitude of High Frequency alternating Transceiver Brain Traffic.
This traffic consists of Omni-Experienced and Processed Answers to Present or Past questions, formulated either by the Conscious or Subconscious Coordinating Initiative of the individual or possibly the individual's overlapping generation of group memory.
A considerable set is a locally Definitive System within Universe that returns upon it’s consider ability in all Circumferential Directions of a Sphere and therefore has an inherent Without-Ness and Within-Ness; the latter two differentiable functions inherently
Subdivide All Universe into the Two Unique Extremes of
“-Macro+”. / “-Micro+” .Frequencies
For instance, we find that all irrelevancies fall into two main categories, or bits. One set embraces all the events that are irrelevant because they are too large in magnitude and too delayed in rate of reoccurrence to have any effect on the set of relationships we are considering. The other set of irrelevancies embraces all the events that are too small and too frequent to be differentially resolved at the
Wave length to which we are tuned, ergo, in any discernible way to alter the interrelationship values of the set of experience relationships we are considering. Having dismissed the two classes of irrelevancies, there remains the lucidly relevant set to be studied.
Because of the varying depths of storage of past experiences, some answers come back swiftly, some slowly. The recollect-ability rates are unpredictable.
Ergo, the returning-answers traffic is heterogeneous.
Many answers come to questions we have forgotten that we asked ourselves.
Conceptually systematic tuning of questions and feedback answers, comparatively considered in the brain, results in temporary, tune ability valved exclusion of all other incoming signals.
Discrete tuning admits consideration of only those recollections that are clearly relevant to the omnidirectional rounding out of systematic comprehension of the special-case set of events intuitively selected for momentary focal consideration.
Thinking consists, then, of a self-disciplined deferment of conscious consideration of any incoming information traffic other than that which is Lucidly Relevant to the Experience-Intuited Quest for comprehension of the significance of the
Vividly Emergent Pattern under Immediate Priority of Consideration
Neither the Set of All Experiences, nor the set of all words that describe them, nor the set of all the generalized conceptual principles harvested from the total of experiences is either instantly or simultaneously reviewable.
"What was that man's name?"
Our answering service may take five seconds, five hours, five days, or five generations to reply.
Our Conscious, orderly reconsideration of our Variable-Lag Experiences discloses Subconsciously Coordinated Regularities of Feedback rates governing the recall phenomena.
What we do when we think is to dismiss momentarily all the irrelevant thoughts as we would part the grass to right and left in order to find a path.
Thinking is high-frequency interception and very temporary diversion to a local holding pattern outside our consideration of all the irrelevant inbound feedback just as inbound airplanes are "stacked up" in the sky near airports by the ground control when too many come in at about the same time and may interfere with each discretely safe landing operation.
Landing is a Slowing Operation and an Exact Timing Operation.
Having isolated a Finite Set of Experiences spontaneously grouped for comprehensive consideration by dismissing the irrelevancies, we may proceed to comprehend or "land" the isolated System by applying the theory of bits, which breaks up Finite Wholes into Finite Parts.
We may now say that what we do in thinking, after deliberately excluding the irrelevancies and thereby inadvertently isolating the considered set, is to further Subdivide Universe into four parts:
1. All of the parts of Universe that are externally irrelevant because too large and too infrequent;
2. All the events of Universe those are internally irrelevant because too small and too frequent to be resolvable and discretely differentiated out for inclusion in our interrelationship considerations;
3. All of the lucidly relevant remainder of Universe, which constitutes the considered and reconsidered set of experiences as viewed from outside the set; and
4. The lucidly relevant set as viewed from inside the set.
Part 1 is the Un-Tuned, Macrocosmic, long-wavelength, low-frequency, high-energy set.
Part 2 is the Un-Tuned, Microcosmic, short-wavelength, high-frequency, low energy set.
Parts 3 and 4 are the Tuned, plus (+) and minus (-), interface sets.
The thinking process results in Varying Degrees of Lucidity of the arrayed residue of focal-event patterns uniquely consequent to the disciplined deferment of irrelevancies.
Thinking is a putting-aside, rather than a putting-in, discipline.
Thinking is FM frequency modulation for it results in the Tuning Out of Irrelevancies (static) as a result of definitive resolution of the exclusively Tuned-In or accepted Feedback messages' Pattern Differentiability.
And as the exploring navigator picks his channel between the look-out-detected rocks, the intellect picks its way Between Irrelevancies of Feedback Messages.
Static and irrelevancies are the same.
When we say "We Think," Our Feedback has Variable Lags that may take overnight or months of time, for all we know.
Because we want to understand that is, to know the
Interrelationships of Clusters of Experiences
Our first great discovery is dismissing irrelevancies,
The Macro-Micro Characteristics
Add: forgotten questions; different rates of feedback; persons' names; random questionings; the challenging set you would like to understand; Our Friend Intuition.
“Circumstances over TIME have provided cues; these cues have given Science access to information stored in HU-Beings Brain Memory, and the information provides the answer”. JDS
“-Intuition is nothing more and nothing less than recognition+”
Kahneman, Daniel